Yeah we are totally together

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Another day at school I suppose. No. How can it be ordinary when now I am dating Carter Pick.
I jump onto the moped and race to school.
"Oh look, it's the slut!" A fimiliar voice calls. I spin around to see Beth standing a few feet away with a bunch of chattering girls, a few of which I recognise from my own group of followers.
Before I can even glare at her..."Hey" the sexiest voice ever since God himself called "don't talk about my girl like that"
Carter walks down from the front of school and wraps his self around me, dips my body back a little, a hand pressed firmly against the small of my back and kisses the life out of me.
When we break apart Carter relaxes a little, causing my to lose my balance and fall with a crash to the floor, pulling the boy with me.
"smooth" I mutter and Carter grins slightly. Instead of getting up, Carter kisses me again .
"Make the most of every situation" he whispers against my lips before pulling me up.
My hair, which I left down today, is now spiralling out of control. And when I glance up, I see a few girls purposely messing up their hair. Carter sees them to. "Pathetic" he says whole dragging me to homeroom.
The day passes quickly.
Before the end of last period, Carter pulls me to one side of the English lesson.
"So, I think we need to get to know each other better" he says.
"Yeah, I mean I hardly know anything about you" says the girl who stalks every social media account he has every single night.
Carter nods. "So, I was thinking we need to meet up, privately, to talk about ourselves, you know?"
"Oh I know!" I say. "Why don't you come round to mine tonight at lets say... Seven?"
Carter thinks for a moment before nodding. "Will your parents mind?" He asks and I shake my head before scribbling my address onto a scarp of paper and handing it to him.
Then the bell goes. I peck him on the lips. "See you tonight sweetie!" I call before slinging my bag onto my back and walking from the class room.
Suddenly, a swamp of my followers surround me. One girl who I recognise as being called Lily pipes up "so, what's happening between you and Carter?" She asks.
Another girl speaks "are you two together?"
I nod "yeah we are totally together" I say "I have to go now ladies. TTFN"
And with that I unfold myself from the girls and hurry towards my ride before heading home.
I park my bike and open the large doors to my large house.
My bag is slung over the banister and I run to my room which is on the third floor.
My room is big with a double bed in the middle. A sofa is up against the wall and a wardrobe sits on the opposite side of the bed.
The wall with the sofa is covered with pictures. Pictures of me with Masie, with ex boyfriends, with ex friends.
Even though the situations with the people might end, I refuse to take down to pictures. I need to remember everything. I did it then so it was worth it.
I know, I know. I have loved Carter pick for as long as I can remember but I have loved other boys. Carter holds half of my heart. The other is up for sale. I walk over to the pictures and pick out a particularly painful one.
It hold myself and a boy kissing against the sun set. You can't see out faces but I know who it is.
My last boyfriend and the boy that broke half of my heart.
Mike King. He cheated on me with five other girls and each time I forgave him. But when I hugged another boy. He went ballistic.
It's stupid really that I felt it was all my fault. I hated my self for making him angry. But it was him that broke up with me. Claiming he couldn't trust me. I loved him despite everything. And I miss the love he used to give me.
I still see Mike around school but he doesn't bother me.
For a few more hours, I enjoy studying each and every inch of my memory wall as I like to call it.
Then I throw on a different outfit and wait for Carter.
At two minutes past seven, the doorbell rings.
I run down the stairs.
My mother is in the living room, doing a crossword or something and my father is working late. My older sister is at her boyfriends and my younger brother is in his room.
I open the door and grin at Carter.
"Nice place" he says and I nod.
"I know"
Carter walk is in and kicks of his shoes. I lead him to my room and he settles on the sofa.
"So" he says, making himself at home. "Tell me about yourself."
I laugh "I swear my life is projected around the school"
Carter nods. "But Queenbees must have secrets"
I lie on my bed and smile. "Okay, let's play truths. deal?"
"Okay you ask me first"
Carter nods. "Bra size?"
"34C" I say without hesitation.
He grins and stares at my chest. "Hey, Mr. My eyes are up here"
Carter blinks, apparently dazed.
"Okay,are you a virgin?"
Carter shakes his head. "My go. Who do you like?"
Oh shit. " well we are together so I guess I like you" I say smoothly. Carter seams to take this as a legitimate answer.
"Who did you do it with?"
I cringe. "No offence but I sort of hate her." I say dryly.
Carter smiles. "I sort of guessed that" he says before standing up and walking to the bed.
He lies next to me on his bask.
I roll over so I to am on my back.
We talk. And talk. And talk.
Carter hand some how ends up in my own and my head ends up on his muscular chest.
"You know, Queenbee, your not as bad as everyone thinks" he says, stroking my hair.
I smile softly. "Everyone thinks I'm a huge bitch but I'm actually just a small one. Is that what you mean?"
Carter chuckles softly. "Yeah, I guess so"
I roll over and looks at the clock above my door.
Half ten.
Suddenly I become very aware that I am lying directly on top of Carter. My front pressed to his own.
Every thing melts away.
And then we are kissing. More passion has never passed though my body at one time as much as it is right now.
"We didn't have to do that" I whisper.
"Can't I kiss my girlfriend for the hell of it?" Carter whispers into my lips.
Time passes. But not for us.
Carter slowly gets up and turns to he door.
"What did they kiss mean to you Carter?" Ask. Because I have to. Or it will eat me away.
Carter shrugs. "Nothing. Heat of the moment" he says.
My stomach sinks. "Yeah. Yeah same. " I mutter.
"Goodbye" Carter says before walking out of my bedroom door.
I listen to his foot falls down the stairs and across landings. I hear to door bang close.
This means nothing to him. It means to much to me but nothing to him.
And in this moment, I want nothing more then love. From Carter bloody Pick.

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