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The days drag on too slowly. Day turns into night without me realising it. I was discharged from hospital the next day and given a weekly appointment with Ann.
When I got home, dad tried to be sympathetic. But it didn't work. He ended up telling me how I should of been more careful and how it was all my fault. And that reduced me to tears.
My sister, Skye, looked after me for the first few days. The stitchs on my stomach were painful and uncomfortable. I missed three days of school. I couldn't miss any more other wise people would start asking questions.

I try to find a top that is modest. It can't be a crop top. That would show my cut. It can't be a floaty top. That could float up and reveal the wound. Flannel shirt with light blue jeans.
I put my hair up in a messy bun and grab my bag before waiting for Skye to take me to school. I'm not allowed to ride my moped for another week and a half .
When she finally comes down the stairs , we both get into her small Ford.
We drive in silence, she can obviously detect he fear in me. What is someone has found out? What then?
Skye pulls up in the car park and I make to get out. But she grabs me hand gently.
"Hey, it will be okay" she whispers.
I nod, tears forming in my eyes. I hug my sister and then get out of the car.
I'm greeted with a wall of curious eyes and whispers. By the looks of it, word has got out.
My hands shakily adjust the back pack on my shoulders and I go to find Masie or Carter.
I find Maise first. "Hey" I say when I approach her. Surprisingly she is alone, not with the followers.
Masie wraps me in a tight hug.
"Everyone knows don't they" I mutter and Masie nods .
"I don't know how though. I haven't told a soul and neither has Carter."
"How about the other guys from school who were at the park?"
"They haven't said anything either"
I shrug. "It was always going to happen. Where are the followers?"
"They told me they didn't want to be around you."
Tears form in my eyes. "Oh" I whisper. "Why? Why don't they want to be around me?"
"They think your mad" she says.
"Well I'm not. I'm just a bit shaken up. That's all"
Masie smiles. "I know that, but someone's been spreading rumours that you made it all up. For attention"
I shake my head. "Three guesses who" I mutter and Masie shrugs.
I nod before scanning the corridor. Most eyes are pressed on me but I scan for one person in particular. And soon she comes, her dark hair flapping around her back and a smirk plastered to her annoyingly pretty face.
"Oh look. It's the rape victim" she calls as her piercing eyes meet mine.
I put on a fake grin. "Lovely to see you too!"
"We all know you lied" Beth snarled. Now all of the eyes in a twenty meter perimeter are fixed on us.
"Really, I lied? Prove it!"
"I can't but I just know"
I smirk and walk to the centre of the corridor. The crowd parts and forms a circle around me .
"Do you want me to prove it? Do you want me to prove it?!"
Beth's smile faltered and the crowd nodded.
"Jessie!" I voice reaches my ears and I spin around to see Carter at the front of the crowd, staring in horror at me.
"Baby you don't have to do this"
I shake my head, eyes closed. "Yes I do. I need to be sue I can trust this school and if they don't believe me. Shits going to go down"
Carter smiles at my attempt a humour and walks over to me. He clasps my hand tightly.
"You don't have to prove anything to them" he whispers. But I sigh.
"I want to" my fingers play with the bottom of my shirt. I take a deep breath and then I lift my shirt, my eyes closed tightly. I can't look at the wound . It may be superficial but it's long. The cut stretches from the bottom of my rib cage straight down, under my jeans and stops just below the top of my hips. It will leave a scar. An ugly one.
The crowd gasp and I open my eyes to see Beth staring in shock.
"The perpetrator cut me with his knife when I tried to run. And he cut me on my arm but that's nearly healed up. "
I shake up the sleeve of my shirt and expose the raw flash that is now nearly healed up.
"You see? Now every time I close my eyes, I see his face. His ugly hollowed. And I feel his hands all over me and I can't stop it"
As you might of guessed, I say all of this with tears running silently down my cheeks.
Carter holds my shoulders and steers me away from the group. Beth stays still, obviously taken aback by what I had said.
Carter leads me into a deserted class room and sits me on one of the desks.
"I'm proud of you, beautiful" he whispers and I sod slowly into his chest. "But from now on I want you to do something for me, okay?"
"W-what d-Do you want me to do" I whisper.
"From now on, when you close your eyes, see my face" Carters strong hands take my face and pull it upwards so I'm looking into his handsome face. "And feel my hands"
His hands drop from my cheeks and lie on the small of my back.
I sniff and look deep into his eyes.
"Because then you might forget his face"
I nod and tilt my chin backwards. Carters lips press gently against mine and I kiss him.
"Thank you Carter" I breathe.
"I didn't do anything"

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