May 12th 2015

22 0 2

Dear Journal-Chan,

This is it. Two days before the AP World History exam. I am so nervous and worried. I am so bad at history and I literally remember nothing, and we're supposed to know stuff from the beginning of time to modern brain is gonna freakin burst. And to top that, we have math homework and I'm in Calculus now so you understand how hard that is??? And omg my french class doesn't teacher is giving us a lot of work that I'm not prepared for ;-; and I would've started studying for this exam a while ago but we had a Biology State Exam today and unfortunately I got the harder one...sigh...

My best friend and I are just planning on skipping school tomorrow cuz we ain't doin shet in class and I really don't wanna go and present my french project that I haven't even started...oml she says no notes we have to memorize our project ugh. I honestly don't know why I took AP world when I hate history and am bad at it!! We're planning on just hitting up the library and studying all day till we pass tf out. And to make things worse the exam is at like 7 am _-_

I really wanna just watch naruto shippuden and work on my fanfics but I CANT CUZ OF THESE TESTS LIKE SUMMER PLZ HURRY UP T_T and holy shet so many people are in the is going best friend's other best friend's boyfriend..

god plz help me and give me luck for tomorrow and thursday..I really need it.

Signing off~

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