July 21st, 2015

22 0 6

Dear Journal-Chan,

It looks like God replied to my prayers, cuz I got so much better after writing that last entry!!! I had a party that day and was reunited with all my cousins of whom I love to death. We had a shet ton of fun. The only thing that sucked tho since then till now was that I was enrolled in this SAT class -.- I have to wake up at 7 am every morning and go to class for two hours (which will soon be three) so I get home at around 12 pm cuz of the long drive and all. But anydoodlez, here's how India is so far:

1) I made some new friends already, haha! They're super cool and nice and we hang out at the park for like two hours every day.

2) My iPad won't connect to wifi -.- darn thing. it's basically a piece of trash but I still love it cuz it has all my precious naruto pics on it ;^; yeah so because of the no wifi thing i'm using the laptop right now  

3) ummm what else do I say? Idk. But I wanna tell you all how my weekend went. From Friday, July 17th, to Sunday, July 19th. 


Friday: Two of my cousins came over at 9 am because they didn't have school cuz of the Ramadan holiday. Their names are Viraat and Sahasra. Just FYI. So first we just like walked around and stuff and I showed them these videos on my iPad that I saved and then we had lunch. Not very interesting but still. After we had lunch though, Viraat (who's 12 now) found some website to watch the entire Minions movie for FREE and I've been wanting to watch that movie cuz I lurve those minions. (Many others clearly hate the minions due to all the hate posts I've been seeing lately...) So we watched the whole movie and it was so cool. Then, Sahasra just left to go do something (idk what she was doing but oh whalez) and Viraat and I sat on the computer talking about Naruto and DBZ and which was better. (Clearly it's Naruto cuz it's way more interesting and they're not too OP or whatever, plus it's more heartfelt and the characters are hotter and just better, got it?) So we just ended up collaborating; I watched him play this DBZ game and I showed him gameplays of Naruto video games. After that, my cousin Meha (who I stay with here in India) came back from school so the four of us just did random stuff for an hour until my other cousin Krithin (who is Meha's brother) came back from his Animation Club. After he returned and they dressed out of their school uniforms and had snacks, we all went outside. And let me tell you, this community is fantabulous. It's so nature-filled, with all the huge rocks and open fields and trees. We climbed the huge rocks and walked around and then played capture the flag. Also, we found some metal stick in the ground and we started pretending it was Excalibur and that was pretty funny. After that, we played Sandman (idk if I made it up or if it already exists) on the playground until it started getting dark. The day before, Meha and I vandalized the unbuilt villas by signing Black Star's signature all over in chalk, so we showed those to Viraat and Sahasra. Then we all went home and I let them have my iPad to play Papa's Freezeria while I talked on the phone with my mom. Soon it was dinnertime and we had Hakka noodles and fried fish. As we were eating, my other cousins Jatin and Hitaishi arrived and we had dinner together. Once dinner was over, that's when the real fun began. We went outside and played cops and robbers and it was pretty awesometatiousful cuz there was so much space and it was dark, plus we could hide behind cars and ride our bikes. We played that 'till it got super dark and then went inside to play Michael Myers. After being yelled at by the adults to go to bed, we all slept on a huge sleeping bag in the same room and I told them creepypastas and they loved them (So basically every night we have a sleepover they beg me to tell them more horror stories and I do gladly as they gather around me hehehe). Finally we all fell asleep ^_^

Saturday: As per usual, I was the last one to wake up. It's funny watching all my cousins attempt to wake me up and failing, except for Krithin who always manages to somehow. So we all took showers and had breakfast and stuff, ya know, the usual. We did a little homework and my sisters (Hitaishi, Sahasra, and Meha) all helped me and they were such a big help and I was like "oml thank you guys and your beautiful handwriting that's way better than mine even though you're all younger." (Btw, Hitaishi is 11, Sahasra is 9, and Meha is 8.) After having lunch, we went to the park to play Sandman again and then Jatin (who is 13) and I tried to catch lizards. All my sisters freaked out but Krithin and Jatin went to the top of this huge rock and made up some move called "boulder toss" or something and they rolled these big rocks down bigger rocks and tried to knock the lizard down. Soon after, we went back inside the house and made vanilla cupcakes; it was my own recipe. They turned out so well and everyone loved them and they all wanted to save the recipe. After that we went outside to play badminton for a few hours and then we all packed our bags at around four to go to Viraat and Sahasra's house for a sleepover. We entered their house and dropped off our bags and then went outside to play badminton on the street. We played right beside the soccer field where my brothers were playing soccer with some other kids, and then Viraat came and said that we might get hit by the soccer ball so for our safety he wanted me to go somewhere else with my sisters. (He is such a gentleman and a caring kid.) We got bored of the game for a while so we played this four stones game where we put four stones in the middle and stood in four corners and one person was 'it' and had to protect the rocks from being taken. It was pretty fun! Once all of us joined up again, we went back inside for dinner. After eating, everyone except for Viraat locked ourselves in a room so we could make a surprise birthday card for Viraat since his birthday was the next day. I drew a chibi Goku for him and the others drew and wrote their own things. We all signed the card and hid it, along with making a birthday scavenger hunt for him after Jatin distracted him outside. (Also in the midst of all that, there was some weird stain on the bed and everyone thought it was pee and they kept yelling "SOMEONE PISSED ON THE BEDDD!!" and I was just sitting there laughing). Once it was all set, the rest of us went back outside when it was dark and played cops and robbers again, which was so much cooler cuz there was tons of space and a bunch of cars to hide behind and other secret places. A couple of hours passed and we had to go back in. We all snuggled inside our sleeping bags and I told them more creepypastas/horror stories. The excitement of the next day filled our souls as we drifted off to sleep. 

My Online Diary~♡Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang