June 1st, 2015

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Dear Journal-Chan,

Haven't updated in a while!! Sorry!! I've just been so busy with school and stuff with all the final projects and other work! But we have 15 days left of school! [13 for me if I don't count the two days I'm going on field trips] Speaking of which, I'm going on one tomorrow! We are going to PAFA, which is an art school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We leave at 7 am and come back at 10 pm. I'm so excited!!! Especially since I get to miss school!

I honestly can't wait for summer because I have so many plans!

Here's my summer bucket list:

1) Summer Project: Make a homemade [Hidan's] scythe

2) Create naruto/anime shirts

3) Update and continue writing all my fanfics and other stories

4) Finish Naruto Shippuden and Fairy Tail, along with other animes

5) Learn new skills and meet new people!

6) Visit amusement parks!!


8) Do a bunch of artsy crafty stuff!

9) Finish all the manga I've started

10) Buy more anime merchandise

11) Get my learner's permit

This year is gonna be very special for me!! It'll be the first year where I can drive, I have my sweet 16, I'm taking the SAT [ugh], I'm gonna be a junior!! [hardest year!] and HOPEFULLY GET A DOG!

that's all I gotta say for now! I'm gonna go to bed cuz i gotta like get up at 5 am cx catch ya later!

signing off~

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