Chapter III

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"Son, you are meant for greatness. It will look you dead in the eye but you still won't be able to see it. Watch for your greatness. You are destined to be someone great."

Chase thinks he understands what his father meant, but how could he, Chase Robins, be destined for greatness. He was just a scout about to be sent to die. How could he be destined for greatness?

"Scout Robins, you are to go into enemy lands as a spy. You are to bring back knowledge that is useful to us," the King said. The King insisted on leading the armies into battle against the Osparial kingdom. As far as Chase knew, the Osparial King and Queen sent the prince into the Blayris kingdom to tell the King that the Osparial kingdom wanted no more war, but sending the prince came off as a threat to the Blayris kingdom, so now the war was worse than ever.

"Yes, sir!" Chase saluted and marched out of the room. He was just a lowly scout and now he was being sent to die.


"Sister, one day we won't be here for you. We must leave you to fight the humans who wish to destroy the dragons, but you must remember. Never close your eyes to the world around you. Never stop seeing."

Those were the last words Jordyn's sister said to her. That was several years ago. Now she was facing the world, and she would not stop seeing it.

"Sergeant Kott, we have gained intel that a spy will be crossing the border soon. What shall we do?"

"Leave it to me. I have a strange feeling about this lowly scout," Jordyn informed.

Jordyn made sure her armor was secure and fastened her cloak around her neck. Jordyn grabbed her sword and dagger that slid into her boot. Her sword was crafted by an elven smith. She had traded with elven smiths before and they always gave her items of high quality. She, in return, would give them gemstones she found on her travels. The sword and dagger she came to be in possession of were powerful. The sword was formed by a metal called Skierilian. An elf of the name Galyr Vanor forged it in a volcano. Even though it was forged in a fiery volcano, it was given a name related to water, Utopa. It had a Lycandrite gemstone in the ricasso. Lycandrite is a blood red stone. It has even darker red veins and a tendency to give dark visions to those who wield a sword with a Lycandrite gemstone. Jordyn knew how to control those visions, but made herself promise to never tell a soul those secrets. If just anyone knew how to use her sword then it could be used against her. The sword's hilt was made out of simple hazel wood. Her dagger, however, was different. The blade, of course, was shorter, but it was still made of Skierilian. The hilt was made of cherry wood. The stone in the ricasso was an emerald green but not an emerald. It was a sister stone to the emerald called Edynnitr. It was a very common stone and had no special abilities. Once Jordyn had her weapons secure and her cloak on. She exited the keep.

Jordyn walked along the treeline that was near the Blayris-Osparial border. She was keeping an eye on the Blayris forests. She was waiting for a Blayrisian scout to come barreling through the trees and try to attack her. But strangely no one came. Instead someone grabbed her from behind and pulled her into the trees.

"Who are you? Why are you watching for me?" A young scout, who was maybe twenty years old, had grabbed her. He had his hand over her mouth so she couldn't scream.

Jordyn reached her hand and pulled his hand off her face. Her hair thankfully didn't move out of place. "My name is Jordyn Kott. I am the sergeant of the Osparial military. I was watching for you so I could save your life."

"I don't need saving."

"Are you sure?"

Jordyn twisted out from underneath the scout and grabbed his sword as she did so. She held the sword's tip to his throat.

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