Chapter XIII

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Leon picked a leaf off of the jeaw plant.

The last ingredient, finally, he thought.

Leon checked off the last ingredient on his list and walked back to the clearing in which he and Omsya had left their small collection of belongings. Leon placed all of the ingredients he had to collect on a tree stump and a few seconds later Omsya came walking through the trees and she also laid the ingredients she collected on the stump. As she did so, Leon locked eyes with her.

Wow, she has beautiful eyes, he thought.

Leon quickly looked away and began working on the spell.

In 20 minutes, the spell was ready.

"You ready?" Leon asked.

"As I'll ever be."

"Give me your hand." Omsya grabbed Leon's outstretched hand and he began chanting.

Before Omsya knew it, she was flying through the air. Trees sped past her, creeks came and went from view. The clouds seemed to be the only things not affected by the travel spell. They moved lazily across the skies like normal.

In what felt like 10 minutes, the two companions reached the Blayris-Luxilios border. When all the movement stopped, both of them lurched forward and fell to the ground.

"The first time is always the worst time. It should get better," Leon said, spitting grass and leaves out of his mouth.

Omsya was quicker to recover from the fall and didn't have grass in her mouth or her hair.

"We have to keep moving. We are going to meet someone or multiple people soon and we can't just be standing here when we do," Omsya said.


"When has being in the open for anyone to attack been a good idea?"

Leon looked to the ground realizing his mistake.

"Mhm, that's what I thought."

Suddenly the pounding of horse hooves on the ground burst into being. Omsya heard wings beating and at least one horse, maybe two. Then she saw them. A beautiful dragon with emerald green flames soared in the skies above and a boy on a horse charged at them. Leon summoned a barrier around himself and Omsya. This way they wouldn't become grilled kabobs. The dragon stopped breathing fire as soon as it saw the magic barrier and the boy, seeing the dragon stop, also stopped.

The dragon allowed itself to glide down to the ground, where it turned into a girl in armor.

"Who are you?" the girl asked, pulling out a dagger and placing it right over Omsya's heart.

"Whoa, no need to get violent. My name is Leon and this is Omsya. You?" Leon said.

"Rodalya and this is Silus," the half-dragon girl introduced.

"Um, could you remove your dagger, it's beginning to pierce my flesh."

"Sorry!" Rodalya apologized. She hadn't meant to actually hurt her.

"Are you the reason we had to come here?" Leon asked.

"I was gonna ask the same thing," Silus said.

None of you are the reason why you had to come here, a misty, unclear voice said.

"Who are you?" Omsya asked. She could tell it was a titan by the way it talked but she didn't know which titan. She knew for a fact that it wasn't Thylonr; this voice was female.

"I think a more important question is where are you?" Silus asked.

A laughing sound was heard. A girl in misty clothes and with misty hair appeared. She, herself, was misty. The boys stared at her, afterall, she was very beautiful.

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