Chapter XI

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Leon rode on his horse. He knew that magic inhabited him and he knew that that magic took something from him. He didn't realize what until Omsya began to speak.

"What do we have to do?" she asked, but Leon only heard a twig snap, he didn't hear what Omsya said at all.

"Stop, did you hear that?" he asked.

"Hear what?" Omsya asked. Another twig snap.

"There it is again."

Omsya got down from her horse and Leon did the same thing when he saw her.

"Leon, can you not hear words?" There was another twig snap but Omsya, like the past two, could not hear it.

Leon shook his head. He could speak but he could only hear the words he spoke, not words someone else said.

"I have an idea. What if I cast a spell that places captions in front of you so I can read what you are saying?"

Omsya nodded. Leon muttered a spell and captions appeared in front of Omsya.

"So, what were you trying to say exactly?" he asked.

"I asked what we had to do. I mean we have no idea what we are going to do when we get to Luxilios or how we are going to get there. It takes weeks to get there from here."

"I know which is why I have been searching for a transportation spell but in order to do it, we need to collect a few things."

"Like what?"

"You'll see."


Nadine paced. Her brother never took this long. She looked through the tiny hole that served as a way to see out of her house. She saw a figure approaching her home. She reached into her skirt pocket and gripped the knife that she always kept on her as a way of using self-defense.

Nadine looked away from the door for a moment and there was a quiet and sudden knock on the door.

"Password?" Nadine asked. It was her brother's idea to use a password so when he went out, she couldn't let anyone in if they didn't know the password.

"Hazel-throp." Both of their favorite candies would of course be an easy password for them both to remember.

"Faen! You are way past on-time. Mother and father will begin looking for us at any moment. We have to get ready for the ball!"

"You and I both know that if I had my way I wouldn't be going to that silly dance."

"You're not the only one."

"What do you mean?! I thought you had tons of friends and that you loved these things."

"Oh yes, and I'm next in line for the crown too! What a pleasure!" Nadine rolled her eyes and found her dress.

"You are really funny when you are sarcastic."

"I don't care, hurry up, we can't be late. The prince and princess wanted us specifically to guard them tonight."

"I'll take care of the princess and you can watch that troublesome prince."

"Oh great, babysitting. My favorite job!" Nadine once again rolled her eyes and went to her room to put the dress on. Faen put on his suit and waited for his sister before leaving.

"Nadine, it's not my fault our parents are best friends with royalty and that we were trained and raised to protect the prince and princess."

"I know it's not but why can't you watch the prince and I watch the princess?"

"You know why."

"Just because I know why, doesn't mean I like it."

"One day, you'll understand."

Nadine grabbed her dagger and bow and arrow. She slipped it into the hidden pocket within her ocean blue dress.

Faen grabbed his sword and pressed the pommel as if it was a button. The sword disappeared and a ring could be seen in the palm of Faen's hand. He slipped it around his ring finger and the two siblings nodded to each other before walking out of their home. Faen gave his sister a boost up into the carriage that his father owned. Faen himself climbed in and signaled to the coachman that it was okay to start driving up to the nearby castle.

The ride lasted but a few minutes and the two siblings were standing on the steps leading to the castle entrance.

"You know the signal if there is ever danger."

"Yep, and don't let the prince out of your sight."

"When have I ever-"

Faen gave her a look and Nadine just nodded her head in compliance.

"At the end of the party, we meet back on these steps. Don't be late." Faen said.

Nadine nodded and the two set off into the castle.

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