Chapter XXIX

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Omsya wished to leave, immediately. The air around her was thick and it seemed to her that she was the only one who noticed. She knew the titans were lurking and that their breath was covering them in dirt and it was shrouding them in mist, but it was alright because that way they could be hidden from sight. Omsya seemed to have been the only one who wished to get out of that place, she could barely see Leon in front of her, but she could feel him. There was an overpowering odor from the decomposing of the trees and the unlucky souls who unknowingly ventured into the lands to their death. And those who survive the Land of Outcasts feel the toll it took on them before they even reach the edge.

"We're almost there!" Omsya heard a feminine voice call.

Jordyn can actually see! Omsya thought excitedly.

"Just a bit further!" a male voice this time.


Omsya shook her head trying to shake the confusion from her mind and kept walking.

The group continued walking and their shorting reached a large stone wall and she heard a grunt as Leon walked into the wall.

"That wasn't there a minute ago," she heard him whisper a minute later.

Omsya laughed and turned to where she assumed the leaders would be and sure enough, there they were standing six feet in front of her. The fog had now for the most part cleared and she noticed how everyone looked very tired and extremely dirty from the trip and from the titan's and their "mist".

Omsya walked over to her friends so when they spoke she could hear and understand them better. That way she could know the plan and be able to enact it for now they were at war.

"Okay, so this fort is where we will be setting up camp. Find a room and rest. We will all need all the strength we can muster," Chase stated. Jordyn nodded in agreement and waved an arm at a slowly crumbling wall and instantly the wall became transparent. Chase walked through and Nadine and Nym followed. Leon saw where the others were going and followed as he wasn't really paying attention to the captions when Chase told everyone what was happening. Omsya quickly followed behind Leon and once she passed through the invisible wall, Jordyn quickly came through and the wall reappeared.

Omsya stood amongst her peers. She watched as they mixed potions with different outcomes. They all had magic and she had none, but that didn't mean she was excused from her required magical classes.

She carefully poured cepie juice into her cauldron and stirred, the liquid turned from a muddy brown to a light shade of pink, she picked a tenag claw up and dropped it over her cauldron. The professor yelled at another student when they accidentally dropped to much yhigao hair into their cauldron.

"Kormman, yiyuri," the student said sheepishly. Omsya immediately translated it to "sorry professor" in her mind. She could speak tisi but it was easier for her to speak Æshenoian, since that was her first language, the elves considered a half-elf dirty and they were proud of their language as a pure elf only language, so if Omsya spoke tisi around her peers she could very well be thrown in jail.

Omsya carefully finished her potion by speaking a little incantation her father had taught her. The potion turned a royal shade of purple and smelled of roses as it was meant. Her teacher, smelling the finished potion, walked over and nodded. He pulled some of the potion out of the cauldron and poured it into a small vial. He handed her the vial, per normal procedure, and she drank. A vision popped into her head and she saw great magic flowing around her. She felt her eyes flash white and the vision ended.

"Well?" the teacher asked, his elvish accent thick.

"There were oceans of magic everywhere," Omsya stated in confusion.

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