Chapter XVII

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Jordyn stood in front of Chase. She knew it was time for him to know the truth but how would he feel about the truth? She kept the truth from him for a reason and now it was time, but she had lied to him; told him things that were only half-truths.

"Chase... I... there is something I have to tell you."


"You have asked many questions over the few days we have known each other. Like: 'What am I?', 'Where am I from?', 'Do I know who the heirs are?'. The truth is," Jordyn pulled her strawberry blonde hair behind her ears, something she hadn't done in a long time. "I'm an elf. I am from a small farm outside the city walls of Kroreale. We are two of the three heirs. The sword chose you. My mother was the elf in that story. I never knew her. Chase, I am sorry for lying to you but I had to protect everything I love and live for. I am truly, truly, sorry." Jordyn said, with tears in her eyes and as soon as she had said that last word she ran. Everyone needs to have their alone time and Jordyn really needed it.

"Jordyn! Wait!" Chase called after her, but it was no use. He hadn't known Jordyn long but he did know that she was as stubborn as a mule sometimes.

Chase wanted to run after her. To tell her that everything was okay and that he understood, but he couldn't. He only mostly understood. Jordyn was special and he knew it and because of what she was, he couldn't. He just couldn't.

Jordyn stood in a clearing. A steady beat pulsated around her. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"You're being emotional, again," she whispered. The tears froze against her cheek and Jordyn gasped in pain. She had always had a way of punishing herself for the things she didn't want to happen. A way of hiding her human emotions. She wasn't supposed to be emotional. Being emotional was weak. It led to more pain and pain was something she had had enough of.

The steady beat grew louder. The trees began to sway and began to groan as the wind picked up.

"Please... please, leave me alone." Jordyn pleaded with her mind.

"We are only here to help," Magic said.

"You should have chosen someone else," Jordyn said, anger creeping into her voice like a parasitic plague.

"But we chose you. Child, you are special in more ways than you can fathom and so too is that boy," magic said calmly, it had seen many begin to crack under the pressure like this but

"Leave him out of this. I am your weapon, not him, not any of them."

"Wherever you go chaos follows and you know it. Three of them have magic. Can you guess which three?"

"Omsya, the half-elf, Leon, the wizard, and Rodalya, the half-dragon."

"Very good! But we believe you forgot one."

"You said-"

"We know what we said but there is one that has magic but a strange magic, one that hasn't been seen in a long time." It seemed as if Magic smirked.

Jordyn watched as the trees waged war with each, except one. One stayed still. It looked like an ordinary maple tree, but ordinary had never been the word to describe her life. Ordinary was never the word used to describe her. Jordyn walked toward the Still Tree.

"Oh and Jordyn before we go, stay away from that boy. He's dangerous."

Jordyn watched as the war-zone began to calm. The Still Tree was untouched. She stepped closer and closer to that strange tree. Daring herself to touch it, to listen to its beck and call. Suddenly a twig snapped and Leon appeared out of the brushwood.

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