Chapter X

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 Silus had shown Rodalya everything in his village. There weren't many things that some might call cool or worth stopping for but they were all Silus knew and Rodalya loved it because she finally got to see Silus in his home. The hours passed and soon it was time for Rodalya and Silus to part ways for the night.

"I'm going to invite Silus to run with me. He just gets it," Rodalya was talking to herself. It helped her focus and understand what she was thinking and how to work through what she was thinking. The first lesson Silus learned from Rodalya was to never try to talk to her while she was talking to herself, dangerous things could happen, things no one could possibly think of.

Rodalya settled down in her bed. She would miss this village, but for the villagers' and her own safety, she had to leave.

That boy, you like him don't you? Ielio asked, as Rodalya was drifting off to sleep.

I was about to finally fall asleep and you woke me up.

You and I both know you weren't about to fall asleep.

Shh... Be quiet.

He clearly likes you.

You don't know anything.

Oh, I think I do.

I am going to sleep. No more talking.

Rodalya ignored Ielio's protests and drifted off to sleep.

Rodalya woke up on the cold hard ground. Fires were burning all around her and dead corpses laid on the ground everywhere, some dragon and others human.

"Where am I?" her voice echoed but no one seemed to hear her.

Rodalya walked closer to the nearby cottage. Inside she saw a father desperately protecting his daughter and a female dragon yelling at him to run but he stayed where he was frozen in fear. Rodalya watched as a soldier came up from behind the father and slaughtered him. The daughter fell to the ground. She looked to be around the age of five.

The girl heard the mother dragon cry her last cry. This girl needed help but she was surrounded by soldiers. All of them were preparing to kill her. Then a single word whispered to her and Rodalya could hear it as if that word were one she had spoken long ago.

"Amyrinth," the voice whispered.

The girl became a dragon. Her flame was a bright white, a blinding white. Rodalya watched as her ancestor attacked the soldiers but died fighting. This girl was a half-dragon, like Rodalya. How many others had come before Rodalya? What were the consequences of giving birth to a half-dragon? Why were half-dragons even in existence?

Those questions resonated in Rodalya's mind and even when she woke up with morning's first light, she still remembered her dream like it was a memory but it wasn't her own. Rodalya gathered her small collection of belongings and went down to the lobby of the inn. She paid for some preserves and bought a horse from the stables. Rodalya left the inn and found Silus waiting for her.


"I can't let you travel alone."

"Okay, do you have some food and a horse?"

"Yes, do you know where you are going?"

"No, I have a feeling we should head to the Blayris border," Rodalya said, looking southwest in the direction of the border.

"Alrighty then, let's go."


A man stood basking in the sun. He heard the trees moving in the wind, children playing, wind chimes chiming. His daughter and himself were two of the last five elves in all of Æshenoia. An elf of the name Elion Brielath and another elf of the name Kyra Folir were also the last elves. The fifth elf is unknown but through magic the elves can know how many of their kind are left especially since the humans killed off their kin.

"Gallara Truepeak!" the man called.

"Yes, daddy?"

"It's time to meet the last of our kind. Are you ready?"

"Yes, daddy."

"Alright then, follow me and stay close. The city is very big and we could be searching for several hours or even several days."

The two set off heading into the city.

The father and daughter entered the city gates and met the two others of their kind. The last of the elves.

"Now that we are all here we can notify the titans," Elion Brielath said.

"What about the dragons and the other elf?" the father asked.

"Edmunt, the dragons would risk everything if they were going to try to meet us here and the other elf is busy. We will know if they die but for now their life essence is strong. We need to discuss our next course of action," Kyra Folir said.

"We must save magic or all will be lost, the humans will win and the adventure will disappear. We will disappear. I suggest we find the other's who wish to save magic and join forces with them. We will have a fighting chance then."

Three titan's appeared. A flame impala, a ghostly wolf, and a bear made of plants stood in front of the four elves.

My name is Lotumut, the bear titan said, I am the prince of the titans.

My name is Inqyr, the wolf titan said, I am the keeper of the titans.

My name is Thylonr, the impala titan said, I am the messenger of the titans.

"How can a titan be a keeper of the titans?" Gallara asked. Edmunt quickly covered the girl's mouth as soon as she finished speaking. He and the other elves were worried that the innocent girl had angered the titans, but instead they laughed.

It's a little complicated, child. I make sure the titans' secret doesn't get out, Inqyr said.

"What secret?"

The secret that we are still alive. Child, a keeper has many jobs and making sure secrets and titans is one of them. Another is keeping magic alive. Dear child, it's not just I who is the keeper of my kind. You are the keeper of the elves.

Gallara's eyes widened. Kyra and Elion pulled the other five magical creatures' attention back to the task at hand.

"We must discuss our battle plans."

There is no battle we must fight, so why should we discuss battle plans? The titan prince asked.

"But, the dragons are going to need our help and so too will those fighting for magic."

I think those fighting for magic are perfectly fine. They have magic and God's will on their side. The human will carry them to victory, Thylonr said.

"How can a human save magic if they don't even have magic?" Edmunt asked.

Magic comes in all shapes and sizes. You are in touch with physical magic. The human is in touch with other magic. Loyalty, kindness, hope. Those are the kinds of magic that you cannot touch. Those are the kinds of magic we need more in this world, in Æshenoia.

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