Chapter XXVIII

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Roman stood in his cell. It had been at least forty-eight hours since he had last seen Nix Morte and he was getting bored. And he knew, in his head, that he kind of missed Morte's constant pestering.

"Wake up, sleepy head!" Nix called from outside Roman's bland cell.

"Go away," Roman groaned.

"I thought you missed me?"

"Damn it."

"Now, now Roman. You must learn to control your tongue." Nix acted as if he were zipping his own mouth shut and suddenly Roman's did the same.

"Your darling friend's sister will die soon. Her rage, at such a young age, will be unable to control the moment she sees me. That I know for sure, but whether her friends will let her come after me is still up for debate. How much do you want to bet that I will get to kill her?" Roman tried to open his mouth to speak but a needle stitched his lips together like he was a cursed and crippled dead body. He might as well be dead however. Bonds suddenly restrained Roman's hands and feet.

What's he playing at? Roman thought.

"Oh nothing. I just can't wait for you to watch Nadyn's death. After all, there's nothing you can do to save her, but oh dear, weren't you supposed to watch over her if Emali ever died? What would she say if she ever found out that you didn't fulfill her wishes?"

How do you know so much? Roman thought, seeing as that was the only way he could communicate with Nix Morte.

"That seems counterproductive, asking a question instead of answering the one asked of you. But at least you are finally learning.

"And to answer your question. I would rather die than answer your question because you were supposed to ask it later and until the time is right, only then will you know, deal?"

No deal.

"Fine, have it your way. But even in death your soul will be restless, wondering 'how did Lord Nix Morte know all about my life?'"

You have never been and never will be a Lord to me. I only put my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, my savior.

"If he's such a savior, then where is he now?"

"He is here." Roman spoke, his mouth was no longer tied together and his hands and feet were no longer bound.

"Nice trick, but you aren't getting out of here alive," Nix huffed and walked out of the cell.

After Nix had left, Roman whispered a small prayer of thanks. Time was growing short and when time was out, the light in Roman's eyes would fade. And so too would magic.

Faen stood on a wall. The troops had been moved into the furthest fort in the Land of Outcasts a few days prior and now he was second guessing everything. Faen stood his thoughts, when he was young, would always over power him and they still did now.

What if I am making a mistake?

What if I hurt Nadine?

What if...?

What if...?

What if...?!

"Forget the what ifs. It'll all be fine," a voice said from behind him. It was female. Faen turned around and saw a young woman. He could guess that she was maybe five years older than himself.

"Do you have magic?" Faen asked, questioning how she knew his thoughts.


"Then how did you-"

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