Chapter VIII

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 The sun woke Leon up, that and the girl standing over him.

"Who are you?" Leon asked.

"My name is Omsya. You?"

"Leon. How are you not sick? We are in Drayleial, afterall."

"I'm a half-elf."


"How are you still alive? I mean you are human, are you not?"

"I am. I don't have pointy ears, do I?" he asked, showing off his ears.

"No, you do not. So how are you still alive?" Omsya persisted.

"I don't know."


Omsya looked around at her surroundings.

"Do you know where we are?" she asked.

"Nope. Do you?"

"No but the titan said we had to go to Luxilios before we could start on our adventure."


"Yes, 'we'. Thylonr told me that we would have to team up to save magic."

"Magic? I have never even thought about magic. Why would I want to save it?"

"If you don't, all magic would vanish. Dragons, elves, titans, all of them. Then humans will have everything but they could lose the most important thing. Hope."

Leon Walker, you have always wondered why you? You have no idea the amounts of magic that have been in your life since that day. Believe me when I say, magic can save us if we believe and we can save magic if we believe.

Leon thought about those words that had just played in his head.


Leon's vision became blurry and it seemed as if the entire world was spinning.

Omsya watched as the strangest thing happened to Leon.

A wave of magic enveloped Leon. A light grew inside of the wave. Omsya shielded her eyes. The wave suddenly vanished and the light grew dim.

Leon opened his eyes. A spark had been lit inside of him. A rare spark. The spark magic leaves inside of its beholder. A spark that could start an entire forest fire; one that will.

"Come on, it's a long journey," Leon said, after gathering his senses.

The two companions began walking in the direction of Luxilios, not knowing what they were needed there for.


Tyrun stood in his cell. He hadn't seen the light of day in three-hundred years. His captor made sure of that. His best friend and betrothed died in the fight that led him to be in this cell, even though she wasn't meant to die. She was supposed to be held captive. Not him.

The cell door opened and closed.

"Oh, Tyrun, you need to stop grieving. That was a long time ago."

"What would you know, Nix Morte?"

"More than you," the man remarked.

"Like what?"

"Like your beloved's sister is trying to save magic."

Nadyn, she's still alive? Tyrun thought.

"Yes she is. I have been torturing you for three hundred years and you still haven't learned."

"Go away."

"Fine, but don't get any ideas. You won't get out of here alive."

Tyrun looked out the barred window. The gray sky of the Land of Outcasts brought despair upon him.

"Nadyn, Please, save magic. Save your kin." Tyrun muttered.

The woods near Krorale City glowed with vibrance. Tyrun's mother and father lived in the city but his best friend lived on a farm just outside of the city.

"Reeseya? What are we doing out here?"

"I know you love the city, but I must show you something. Come on!"

Reeseya started running and reached a clearing in the woods.

"Okay, this is a good spot." She closed her eyes and began chanting. Flames sparked, waves formed, earth rumbled, wind blew harder. Then silence and Tyrun felt the wild side of him tug.

"Reeseya, you know I don't like to shapeshift."

"This spell makes it so you can control yourself. Just try it please. You know magic isn't supposed to hide. Magic is what makes us, us! I'm not afraid of who I am! Why should I have to hide?"

"What would your parents say if they saw you or your brother, what would he say?"

"My parents don't care about me or my brother or my baby sister. Besides, what my brother doesn't know won't hurt him. Now try it!"

"Fine, what should I change into?"

"How about a kraehet?"

"Very well," Tyrun changed into the kraehet and was in perfect control. Reeseya watched with pleasure as her best friend turned into her favorite creature. She blinked and suddenly her brother was standing in front of her.

"I know it's you Tyrun."

"How did you—"

"First of all my brother has no idea where we are and second you didn't move at all."

Tyrun cursed himself. Then a twig snapped. A teenage boy appeared through the woods.

"Reeseya, how many times do I have to tell you t'is not safe out here?"

"Rynar! I just want to have fun!" Reeseya complained.

"Well you can have fun on the farm. Besides, you shouldn't be using magic the way you are, it's extremely draining."

Reeseya rolled her eyes. "Says the one who doesn't even have magic. Besides, nothing's happened yet."

"Five four three two one," Rynar counted down. Reeseya's eyes closed a bit and her reaction time slowed.

"Fine," Reeseya rolled her eyes again, "You win."

Rynar picked Reeseya up and carried her back to the farm. Tyrun followed closely behind.

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