Chapter XIV

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 Jordyn watched as the moon began to rise. Memories from her childhood came flooding back to her in an overwhelming wave.

Woodland creatures ran through the forest. A zyrius slept peacefully under a tree. A girl watched as the magical world lay at peace.

The moon above was luminous and full. The moonlight bathed the girl and gave her a refreshing feel.

"Mr. Gralin, what are you doing out here? You know a kraehet is hunting you down," she said, scooping a mouse-like creature into her hands. It had red fur and ferocious white eyes but this small startling creature is harmless and in danger.

She smiled and placed the gralin on a tree branch. The girl walked through the forest and saw a beautiful wolf. It walked toward her and even though the wolf didn't look dangerous the girl was still scared, so she ran.

"Wait! Jordyn come back!" the wolf howled.

"No!" Jordyn yelled. The moon above her shined brightly.

Chase looked over at her with worry.

"I'm fine. Go to sleep," she said.

"Okay, wake me up if there is any trouble."

Jordyn nodded and watched the moon. That had been so long ago, she had almost forgotten. The night passed and Jordyn was too scared to fall back asleep. That wolf was ghostly, it didn't look real and the young terrified version of herself had run all the way home and didn't look back, but now she was curious. What did the wolf want to tell her? How did the wolf know her? And why did the wolf look like it cared?

Too many questions floated through Jordyn's mind and she couldn't even grasp the possible answers; it was like they were there but just out of reach.

Jordyn became too lost in her thoughts to even realize that the sun was coming and it was going to blind her if she didn't look away from the horizon. Behind her a twig snapped. It startled her, so she drew her deathly sword and placed it square on the chest of the person trying to sneak up on her.

"Oh, it's just you," she said, realizing that the person who was trying to sneak up on her was Chase.

"You seem off."

"I'm fine. Stop worrying, there are people down there. They saw us coming and I saw them down there in that clearing," she pointed to a clearing near the slope of the hill they were on, "They are expecting us and you need to be ready."

"Why me?"

"Because you're the leader. We will need you to step up. As much as I want to lead us to victory, I cannot. Only you. That's the way it was written and that's the way it will be."

"Written? What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'll tell you later."

Jordyn walked to the horses and saw that Callum was preparing to leave.

"Thank you," she told Callum.

"Promise me, that magic won't die," he said.

"I promise." Jordyn knew there was a high possibility that magic would die. They were outnumbered, outgunned and almost out of strength but they had hope and magic. To them, that was all that mattered.

Jordyn and Chase sent Callum off and began planning their next move.

"Why don't we just go down there? We know how to fight and what we are looking for might be down there."

"Key word is might. We have no clue what's actually down there. We have to be cautious, but I agree, what's life without a little risk?"


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