Chapter XXX

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The plan. Chase had only loosely described it and had only told them their groups. How was Rodalya supposed to follow the plan when she didn't even know it?

"It's pretty straight forward really. Just hold your ground and don't die, oh and create mass destruction. Leave them bewildered." Chase had said.

Rodalya didn't know what he meant until he had mentioned how the attack would take some flying from her and her dragons. How would flying be holding her ground? And what kind of mass destruction was he talking about? Fiery inferno kind? Or icey chaos kind, because she could do both.

Rodalya just assumed it was the fiery kind as that was what dragons were most known for, their fiery breath. Only those legends were false, she now knew.

Maybe Ielio can breathe fire, Rodalya thought.

That I can, came the almost instant reply.

"Okay, so all we have to do is cause mass destruction," Rodalya said in draconic tisi to her dragons, "Ielio and I will attack from the front and you two can attack from the sides."

"I have a better idea. You," Nymisi said pointing to Rodalya, "can attack from the back overhead. I will take the front overhead and Xyvrel can attack from the direct overhead."

Xyvrel nodded his dragon head and Rodalya also nodded.

"But before we begin this attack, Xyvrel and I need to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" Rodalya had noticed their melancholy looks that had appeared upon their faces.

"When this is all over, we need you to go into our hoard. In the center of that room you will find a pedestal. There is a dragon egg resting upon it. We need you to take care of our child. We need you to keep the dragons alive," Xyvrel said.

"But how will it reproduce?" Rodalya asked.

"In time, the dragons will disappear, but for now there is still hope, as long as you have Ielio."

Rodalya felt tears rolling down her cheeks. Were they her own? She couldn't tell. The world seemed to be spinning. How was she supposed to care for a dragon? How was she going to keep the dragons alive? Why did Nymisi and Xyvrel have to leave her?

"What shall I name it when it hatches, if you are no longer here, but it won't come to that?"

"Nephele for a girl. Ovir for a boy," Xyvrel said.

"We trust you. Now let us prepare for the battle," Nymisi said.

And so they did. The dragons put armor along their scales, only leaving their wings without it so that they could fly. Rodalya also lathered herself in armor and prepared to fight. Chase had told them to launch the first strike at about three mawn past mid day. It was five maw till that time and so the three prepared. Rodalya had no care for the others, nor for Silus, as he had betrayed her. She only cared about her loving adoptive parents standing in front of her.

Quickly the three exited the fort and got ready to fly. When an alarm went off, Rodalya allowed Ielio to take over and launched into the sky.

Omsya stood inside the fort. She was to leave thirty maw after the first alarm. Thylonr was to join her in her rescue efforts. No one knew if there were any people kept alive, but it wasn't not worth looking for someone or something. Omsya could be the most sneaky of the six so it was best if she did the sneaking around job.
You've done well. I can't wait to see how you improve over the next year, Thylonr said.

"Why thank you. But isn't this going to end it all?"

Only a fool would think that. And you are no fool. Time hasn't been on Magic's side for many years. Humans are becoming more restless by the day and sadly one battle can't end something so big. No, this is the start of a series of battles, one ignorant child might even call it a war. The other titans were even considering not making the journey just to come and fight a lost battle.

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