Chapter IX

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 Chase and Jordyn ran. A villager had found out who they were and proclaimed it to the entire village. Now, they were being chased by an angry mob of villagers.

"This is all your fault," Jordyn cried.

"I said sorry!" Chase replied.

Jordyn turned a sharp corner and a group of villagers stood there waiting for her.

"Tsk, tsk. Jordyn Kott has returned and I wonder what she is going to do on this trip." the village leader said.

Jordyn stared at him.

"I have never done anything to harm this village. If anything, you're the ones who hurt me."

Jordyn placed her hand on her sword, then out of nowhere realization hit her.

Jordyn stood in an alley. She was traveling to find a new home. A man appeared at the alleyway entrance.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"Jordyn Kott. Who are you?"

"That is none of your concern. You are trespassing and must pay the price."

Jordyn watched him as he came closer and grabbed her by the arm. He dragged her to town square.

"This girl was found trespassing. It is punishable by being forbidden to ever come to our village again. If you do ever return, we will put you to death."

Jordyn looked at the townspeople around her. She saw sad eyes, and amused eyes, happy eyes and anger-filled eyes. So many emotions played across the townspeople's faces. Although one pair of eyes looked different than all the others. These eyes had a strange light in them. The light that reflects all the good, all the hope and all the love in the world.

In less than a second, Jordyn was snapped back to reality and was led out of the village. The man threw her to the ground and walked away with a smirk playing across his face. Jordyn slowly got up. when the man threw her to the ground it hurt her left wrist and left ankle. Once she got up and made sure she was balanced, she ran. Hoping to never return to that place ever again.

"You were there that day, weren't you?" Jordyn asked Chase, referring to the day she had just recalled.

"What do you mean?"

"Five years ago in this very village. That day you were the only one that was different."

"I don't know what you mean? Wait, were you that girl?"


Chase looked ahead at the crowd. He missed his family and hoped they were alright.

Then, the man Jordyn had been dreading to see appeared.

"Now, I'm surprised! Jordyn Kott has returned to our humble village. I think she forgot that she was outlawed."

Jordyn laughed. "You think I would forget your face! Would you be angry if I said I did? One more question, who are you again?" Jordyn asked tauntingly.

"Stand down, let me handle this." Jordyn muttered to Chase.

"You brat! My name is Gallert Highmen. How could you forget about me?"

"Oh, I didn't, but I want you to know I'm not that little girl you threw to the mercy of the world all those years ago. I am an honorary princess and you are just a peasant compared to me. I have had years of training, preparing for the day I would face you. So, I challenge you to a duel. If I win you give me and my companion all that we need for our travels. If you win, you can put me to death and keep Chase as a prisoner. After all, I believe you now have reason to since he is spending time with the Osparial sergeant."

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