Chapter XV

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 Omsya sat in a tree. She was waiting for any sign of those newcomers, but they couldn't be seen.

An hour passed before she heard them. A sword left its sheath and a dragon began to roar.

Omsya climbed down from the tree and joined the fight, but as soon as the attackers saw her they stopped.

"Why did you start the attack, only to stop?" Leon asked.

"I didn't start any attacks. Chase might have, but we come in peace."

"Hey!" Chase shouted.

Jordyn shrugged her shoulders and put her sword back in the sheath.

"Magic is in danger, you four are needed to save it."

"How did you-"

"It's quite obvious really. Where I grew up everything was magic and sadly I took advantage of it and now back home everything is dying."

"Oh, sorry."

"I'm guessing you are a half-dragon?" Jordyn asked, towards Rodalya, who had just told her sorry.


"What is your dragon's name?"

"Ielio. How can you tell?"

"I can understand many things, your magical half one of them," Jordyn was struck with sudden realization that she hadn't asked what any of their names were, "I am so sorry," she rambled, "I forgot to ask your names."

"I'm Rodalya," the one who had just been speaking said. She pointed to a boy with raven black hair, "That's Silus." She pointed to the other boy and girl, "Leon and Omsya."

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Chase and this is Jordyn," that was the first thing Chase has said to these new people.

"What now?" Leon asked.

"Isn't it obvious? We save magic," Chase said.

"But how? We're just six people who all come from different places. We don't know each other's strengths or weaknesses. In order to be a good team, we have to know each other," Omsya said.

"So what are you suggesting we do?" Silus asked.

Rodalya looked at him. She knew how much he disliked new people and new places. She walked over to him and grabbed his hand while giving him a reassuring smile.

"When I was young, there used to be a camp in the city that we could go to. I was typically left out but we did teamwork building exercises and learned about each other."


"So, we have a little competition. There are six of us after all. Three against three and we have a fair match. Whichever team can solve the puzzles and work together to find my sword wins. Then after that we come together and search for your kraehet," Omsya said, pointing at Jordyn.

The other five nodded and Omsya allowed Nulla to hide her sword before Nulla, herself, found a hiding spot.

"There will be clues to help us find the sword and pet. Magical clues, because the objects we are looking for are, of course, magic."

There was silence as everyone prepared for the race.

This'll be fun, Jordyn thought.

The teams were split evenly and equal in power.

Leon, Omsya, and Silus were on one team while the others, Jordyn, Chase, and Rodalya, were on the other.

"GO!" Omsya shouted.

Battle of LiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora