Chapter XXIV

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Jordyn stood in a grassy field. Her hair was resting on her shoulders. The air around her was warm. The light wind rustled the grass and the occasional butterfly would take to the sky. All was peaceful; almost as if the wars had never happened.

"Momma!" a young girl yelled. Jordyn looked around but couldn't find anyone. She was alone in the field, the only life being the insects resting on the wild grass.

Suddenly a little girl around the age of six appeared. She ran up to Jordyn and hugged her.

"Momma? Where have you been?" the little girl asked.

Unable to comprehend the words coming out of the girl's mouth, Jordyn just stared into the girl's eyes and saw the same as those Chase looked at her with.

"What is your name?" Jordyn asked.

"Momma you know this. You came up with it. Nadine Omsya Rose Robins."

Jordyn froze. That was the name she had always wished to name one of her children.

Suddenly she heard more voices and one of them she recognized.

"Nadine? Where are you?" It was Chase.

"You can't just run off like that." The second voice however she had never heard before.

"I found momma!" Nadine hollered back.

A young boy around the age of ten poked his head up and saw the two girls standing in the field. He ran forward and hugged his mother and sister. Jordyn was in shock. These two kids were clearly not even half elves. They were fully human. The effects of magic dying.

"Chase?" she asked as he walked toward her. He was grown. In his thirties maybe.

"What's wrong? You look as if you've seen a ghost."


"Where are we?" Chase asked.

"My childhood field."

She knew that he knew where they were, but she also knew that he knew that this was just a vision. The children, however, did not.

"You have to go back," Chase said.

"But I've only just got here."

"The real me needs you. And soon these kids will need you. I need you. And Jordyn find me in the awriell groves."

The world around her began to become mist. And soon even Chase and the two children had disappeared. She was alone standing on a small piece of earth in an endless abyss, then the last bit of earth disappeared. Jordyn fell.

Nadine sat on a dead log so as to not offend any of the trees. Her friends Leon, Omsya and Rodalya were sitting around a small fire. Nadine heard the others talking but her thoughts were louder. And soon the whispers took over.

"Cham hu... Ta naw wem nang ying." It was a different language yet again but this time it was one she had heard before. Nadine ran to one of the trees and asked if she could come up to the canopy of the tree to talk.

The others, her friends, watched in awe as Nadine ignored them and was so set on figuring out what the whispers are saying. Although they didn't know that she was hearing whispers.

The tree reached a branch down and brought her up to the canopy. A man in his early twenties stood in front of her.

"Hi darling."


"You talked to my older brother when you first landed here in Luxilios, that's how I know who you are. I'm not some creep, okay?"

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