Chapter VI

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 Chase stood in a room fit for a prince. The king of Oparial had been very kind, but Chase didn't understand why. He was just a scout and the king had given him a relic he hadn't seen in years.

"Chase, what are you doing?" his younger sister asked.

"Nothing," Chase said, hiding what he had been working on. His sister snatched it and examined the object.

"What is this?"

"My latest project."

"So, what is it meant to be?"

Chase sighed. "If you must know, it is supposed to be a seal. Father has asked me to make a seal for the family. He knows how much I like to make things and this way he will save money rather than have to pay someone who actually works with this stuff."

"Sure, but shouldn't you be doing something, I don't know, that most boys like to do? For example, training to be in the military or training in the military or I don't know training to be in the military."

"I guess you want me to be in the king's military."

"Why of course! Then when you die we can get recognized as a family who did a great deed for the king."

"Ok, now can you leave me alone? I really need to focus."

"Fine, antisocial, much?"

Chase watched his sister leave the room then he covered his work with his arm and kept working. He knew no one could see what he was working on because his bedroom door was closed, but he didn't want to risk it.

Chase remembered that seal and how he had found it in a book about the ancient royal families of all the kingdoms.

He had built a stamp for his father to use. His father had shown him what seal to use and he made it. Chase had never known what the seal was meant for but he had been so happy to get the recognition he got after it was finished. Now the seal was back strung on a chain.

Chase slipped the chain around his neck and heard a small knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in."

Jordyn appeared behind the door. Her eyes were stained a faint red, the kind of red that appears after someone has been crying. Chase could tell something was wrong but thought it better to not ask.

Jordyn took a shaky breath. "The king wishes to speak to you once more."

Chase nodded and walked out of the room.

The walk to the king's chambers was quiet. Chase felt uncomfortable in the silence. When he was younger and still today, he could never stop talking. It just helped him relax, but he knew when to stay quiet or refrain from destroying his companion's eardrums, like now.

"Chase, when you go in there, do not speak, do not move and do not look around or touch anything. If you do, the guards will arrest you in an instant." Jordyn said, she stopped and looked Chase directly in the eye.

"Yes ma'am."

Jordyn opened a large door and Chase walked in. Careful to follow Jordyn's instructions for he really did not want to rot in a dungeon cell.

"Chase, sit. I know you like to talk a lot but now is not the time for questions. A great battle is approaching. Instead of war, this battle will decide the fate of all magical beings. Dragons, elves, half-elves, wizards, titans, all of them.

"You do have a role to play in this battle, all of us do, but whether you are fighting to save magic or destroy it is up to you. Jordyn is fighting to save it. What is your decision?"

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