Chapter XXXI

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Leon stood among the elves. Of course he had to work with them.

"What exactly is our course of action?" Kyra asked.

"We, according to Chase, are really just supposed to fight and not die."

"And how do we do that?" Edmunt questioned, he was clearly having doubts.

"You all have way more experience than me so you tell me."

"But you are the leader," Elion stated. Leon knew that these elves wanted anything but a human wizard as their leader especially when that human wizard jokes and plays around.

"You're right. Here's what we do. We fight and avoid getting hurt. Do all of you have some sort of magic?"

"Plants are mine," Edmunt said.

"Weapons," Elion said.

"Levitation," Kyra stated as if that much was obvious.

"Okay. Edmunt I need you to control the roots in the ground and try to hold some of the army back. Kyra you can levitate them. Elion, you just do what you can." Leon didn't understand Elion's power so that was his best bet.

"Everyone ready?" Leon asked. The three elves nodded. "Then let's go."

The four walked out of the fort just behind the troops.

"We stick together!" Leon shouted just as the battle began.

Suddenly the four were back to back fighting and protecting one another. Elion had summoned large weapons out of magic and had begun using them against the enemy while everyone else was using their magic as according to the plan. Leon was trying to think of spells to cast but they only came once every minute and a half. He knew that he wasn't going to be of much help but went head on with an enemy, punching and kicking almost like he was taking his anger out on his enemies.

The battle continued. There were many fallen soldiers, and suddenly an enemy catapult launched a net into the sky. It covered the pink and blue dragon, and the dragon was pushed to the ground by the weight of the net. Once on the ground, there were soldiers waiting and once down, the soldiers stabbed the dragon with spears. Leon heard a cry escape from the dragon as it took its last breath. The other dragon heard the dragon's cry and became distracted. The enemy took that distraction as their chance to take down both dragons. All of Rodalya's parents were dead. Suddenly a scream was heard and Ielio breathed fire in the fort, lighting everything on fire. At least, from Leon's perspective it was everything.

The fire created a smoky haze and it was hard to see anything. Leon was fighting blindly.

The glint of swords upon swords was overpowering. More blurry haze. Suddenly it dissipated enough so he could see the elves struggling to hold their ground. Leon tried to help them but he couldn't get to them. Suddenly Elion's weapons turned on him. None of the elves survived. Nix Morte was ruthless.

Leon had to keep moving. He had to keep the elves' memory alive.

Omsya ducked through the halls. The boy who had saved her hadn't even introduced himself yet. Maybe he couldn't speak? Who knew how long Nix had kept him in captivity like that.

Suddenly there was a banging on a cell door down a small hallway that could very well have been an alley if it were outside.

"Help me! Youngling, I know you are there!" an older male voice called.

Omsya, knowing her job was to help, ran to the cell door and unlocked it. A man, who looked at least five years older than Jordyn, fell out of his cell.

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