school year (getting colder month 02)

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(info- is suppose to be in thee same chapter as the other one)

In class.( the same day we left off.)
Tfc- okay welcome back class how is everyone?

Doc- scared of Grian.

Tfc- why..?

Doc- i nocked everyone out except for Grian and X. Grian told me that I'm grounded:(

Tfc- ah. Okay uh.... What is/was the punishment?

Doc- don't wanna say.

Tfc- Grian?

Grian- no Ren for 2 weeks.

Doc-*mumbling* traitor.

Ren- oh :(

After classes during lunch.

Ren- so apparently Doc isn't allowed to hung out with me so I'm being a bad boy and rigged the door. Hopefully it's a hermit whom isn't Grian, X nor Doc.

Grian and Xisuma walks through the door and they get wet.

Impulse *points at Ren*- he did it!

Grian- Ren grounded

Ren- did dang it. Impulse you traitor!

Xisuma-Ren I'll let Grian deal with you.

Grian- no flirting with anyone for 2 weeks. And Don't make me call your brother.

Ren- okay I'm grounded.

Grian- Apart that good boy

Xisuma- yeah- what ?

Grian- I'm a prankster X. Pranks are okay.

Cub- That explains why mine and scars door became pink.

Time skip to class w/Tfc as history teach

Tfc- Okay who can tell me witch side won WW2? Yes Iskall

Iskall- the Allies.

(I give up on this sorry)
-Keisha Sleep

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