08=august high school.

27 3 0

Sever:   -------------.

Admin:  ------------- dead.

Replacement:  principal ---------.

Class:  ---------

N° of students: 24. And lowering.

Year: 2030

Language spoken: Japanese, English.




A student is walking to class. There travelers have left him behind. He walked to his classroom before the rest of his classmates. he opened the door. Someone hanged themself.

"Hey G go inside we don't want to be late again." said a classmate.

"---------- hung himself." Grian said to his traveler.

"Oh. T is going to be sad."

"Sam. He's like a yoyo. Okay? He'll move on," said Grain.

"Yep your right Greeon." Sam mispronounced his friend's name.

"Professor's dead on the ground as well Sam." The blond told the brunette.

"Ah shit. Welp guess we don't have classes."

"Apart from sports. We have two teachers. Not one."


"Hey guys! What's with standing Infront of the classroom?" Asked the 3rd traveler.

"Dead teach. And your Girlfriend is hanging from the ceiling." Sam calmly replied.

"Oh . I was going to break up with her today anyways. " Taurtis said.

Grian laughed.

"Let's go spent some yen instead of being here." Sam told the other two.

Grian stoped laughing and Taurtis agreed.

They left the building and went to Karl's.

Whilst they had fun, the rest of the class found the 2 dead bodies and got traumatized.

Rowen found the travelers and told them that they are expelled.

Sam and Taurtis didn't care, Grian's shocked and Karl's surprised.

The three of them left and packed there stuff for Tokyo Soul.

A year after they stayed on the floating island with a house they lived in. Having fun.

"Hey remember that time when I fell?" Taurtis started.

"Witch one ? There was like a thousand." Sam asked looking at his phone.

"Ouch. Whilst holding a gun back in TS." Taurtis replied.

"That happend like 40 times" Grian joined the convo.

"Anyway - that time when we finally killed that guy!"

"Uh oh that. Don't you mean died? Bc you definitely didn't have a pulse when we checked." Grian said.

"Fuck you guys I'm leaving this island."

" Taurtis wait no! " Sam went running after the raven haired boy.

" Fuck. TAURTIS GET BACK HERE!" Grian shouted after.







Sam was the only one who stayed on that island.








The others fell out of the world.

Letting them be free.




They finally moved on.








How did Sam get to KoV, if he never left ?

- Kriss

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