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(Sorry I just can't wait to publish them ! )

What are you doing here?

Around Mumbo:

"Mumbo, can you come into my office for a bit?" A brunette asked the taller, whom nodded.

The brunette has a pair of glasses, his blue shirt having the symbol @ on it. He's Joe Hills, the therapist of the group.

Mumbo on the other hand was wearing a grey shirt along side with a blouse and black trousers. He fixed his black mustache and went into Joe's office.

"What's seemed to be the problem?" Mumbo asked a bit nervously.

"X told me you might know the person in the red sweater, in the temporary prison cell." Joe replied.

"Oh? What's there name?"

"Thought it be better for you to see and tell us that. The reason behind it is because the person is  not responding to our questions. "

Joe led Mumbo to the cell of said person and a helmet wearing admin/leader of the group is standing in front of said cell.

The captured person sat on the floor eyes closed and bandaged up.

Mumbo thought that stress fixed him up and he is right.

"Ah Mumbo. Please do your interrogation and let us know anything useful afterwards alright? " Said the British tea/coffee drinking  admin who needs to fix there sleep schedule.

" Yes I'll do it Xisuma. Now go get some rest for Xel's sake" Mumbo replied.

The locked up guy opened an eye and saw Joe and Xisuma leave. He wondered why he's here instead of the German guy.

" What's your name?" The raven haired asked.


No response.

" I'm Mumbo Jumbo. And I'm 27 years old."

" Grian. No idea." 'Or at least that's what I was called.' said/thought the boy.

" Nice to meet you. Though it be better if your not in here but out there. Anyway, what happened?" He asked gesturing to the boy's bandages.

"Survival of the fittest. You could say." Grian replied after a while.

" Hmm. I like to do redstone. What about you? What do you like to do? " Mumbo questioned him, soft smile on his face.

". . . . . . Flying.... Building" they answered. He sat a bit closer to the cell entrance.

Grian has nice black eyes, dirty blond hair and is wearing a white non sleeved shirt underneath and a pair of black trousers.  No shoes and socks thought.

" My best friend is Iskall. And my friends are the hermits, my group. What's yours ?" He asked.

" ... My best friend's name is Guilty. And my friends are my birds. ꖌ╎↸ᓭ (Kids. -galactic )"

Mumbo smiled. Bit in confusion because he don't know galactic. He asked:

"Want to get out of here and help the others?"

This shocked Grian. 'Can he get out?' They thought.

"Would love to." They replied.

A creeper hybrid cyborg came in and walked closer to Mumbo.

" You done? Iskall is getting impatient. And Tango wants to meet them." The German guy said, gesturing to Grian when he said 'them'.

"Uh yes. I'll need to talk to X and then I'll go to Iskall. " Mumbo replied. " Bye Grian . I'll come back tomorrow. "

"Bye." Grain said.

"On btw there's a meeting in a few hours. See ya." Doc said.

Mumbo left the two alone and walked to Xisuma's office.

" Hey X? "

" Yeah ? What's up ? Got anything?"

" He's not a bad guy, Grian was just surviving from what ever that was. "

" Oh okay thanks I'll let him out in a bit." X said clearly tired.

"Thanks." Mumbo then left and when he found Iskall, he got attacked by them.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" They shouted.

"I wAs QuEsTiOnInG gRiAn." He replied, being shaken by the other.

"Oh. Welp come. Me and Stress made food."

Around Grian:

Grian sat on the floor. One eye opened.

The German standing on the opposite wall of the cell. Keeping an eye on Grian.

Grian's holding a plush and an old picture. The push isn't clean, and has some parts broken. the picture on the other hand looked old. He's on the picture along side with a few of his friends.

Joe came back with two trays of food.

"Here Doc. Food, Stress and Iskall made it." He said Giving one of the trays to Doc.

"Thanks." Doc replied taking the tray of food haply.

Joe opened the cell door and gave Grian the tray. he also looked closely at Grian then left.

"X will be here With Tango soon 'Kay?"Joe said.

Doc Nodded, Mouth full of Food.

Joe then left the two alone to eat at his place.

"Your an experiment , Yeah?" Grian spoke up.

".. Yeah. I don't know weather to thank, him or to kill him."

"... It was Dr.Jones. Wasn't it?"


"... Ask the slime. I bet he can tell you everything."

" Jevin? But he's not an experiment."

"... He still has the tag on him. You apparently don't." Grain now looking strait at the German man, knowing he's right.

Doc stood silent. Then he sat on the ground, still silent.

Then Jevin came in with med supplies.

"Hey Joe told me that... Uh. Did something happen here?" The slime asked?

"Jevin is Grian right? I know you heard the conversation." Doc said after the wearied silence.

-To Be Continued.


Grian Centric Book Of Things -KsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz