07 July goodbye 👑

23 2 2

(I got the news of his passing a week after he actually passed)

Tw: dead content creator, sad?, Short.

A person walked towards two graves. He placed two bouquets of flowers at the headstone.

"One day i met a man at MCC.

He had brown hair, pretty eyes

So strong he was.

That was time ago,

Now I wait my turn to leave.

His place isn't here nor his grave.

Oh his sever mates all sad & cried,

& stood here in front of there sever,

Wondering what to say to the grieving sever,

Not knowing that soon ill have to do it all again.


'One MCC i met The Legendary Technoblade.'

I said To them.

'It was nice and fun to hang around with him,

Hoping I'd meet him once again.'

they looked at me

Listening to me

'But we all know he left to the dead realm

to surpass God.

Oh how we all miss him.'"

Sang the mourning boy in the read sweater.

Standing in front of 2 graves,

With 2 severs behind him.

Wanting them back.

Been a year.

And almost a year.

Two graves.

One for Technoblade,

The other for Tinfoilchef.


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