Chapter 5- Oops

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Today was the day I was supposed to help out Michael figure out the problem with the Neighborhood. 

But before that I need to go tell Eleanor about what's happening, which is what I'm doing right now. 

To be honest I'm nervous as hell to tell her but I know I have to.

I eventually make it to her house and I knock on the door, and a few seconds later she answers the door.

"Hey, Minako. What's up?" She greets.

"Hey, I need to talk to you about something, are you available right now?" I ask.

"I am, here, come inside" 

She leads me inside her house and then asks,

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Y'know how the sinkhole opened up a few days ago? Well yesterday Michael asked me if I could help him figure out what caused it along with all the other problems in the Neighborhood... And I accepted"

After I'd said that Eleanor looked at me in shock.

"I'm so sorry, I know I also promised to help you out but I swear me helping out Michael was all a decision on impulse but at the the same time it would be rude to not accept once again I'm so sorry-"  

"Minako, Minako, girl, breathe" She says, cutting off my rambling and putting her arms on my shoulders, "Here, in... out.... in.... out" She leads as I follow her.

"Are you ok now" She asks.

"Yeah, sorry about that" I apologize once again.

"It's ok, I'm not mad at you or anything by the way, so don't worry" She assures.

"Alright, thanks. But seriously, I have no idea what to do"

"Uh hey, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, but if you want to know what to do, the answer is right here in this understandable comic strip. Nope, in this book about the theory of contractualism. 'What We Owe to Each Other'" Chidi chimes in, appearing from somewhere in the house.

"The theory of what now?" I ask, never having heard of that before.

"I saw this movie. Laura Linney cries in a lake house because Jude Law left her for his ex wife's ghost" Eleanor gasps.

"No. Quick summary of contractualism" Chidi starts, "Uh, imagine a group of reasonable people are coming up with the rules for a new society"

"Like if your Uber driver talks to you, the ride should be free?" Eleanor asks.

"Sure, but anyone can veto any rule that they think is unfair. So if one of you guys said 'We should be able to break our promises without any repercussions,' someone would veto that rule" He explains.

"Ha, well I'm not letting anyone veto my rules" I laugh.

"Well, that's called tyranny. And it's generally frowned upon. If you make a promise to someone, you should do it. Just like I promised Eleanor to help her and still am despite her constant mockery"

"'Despite her constant mockery' Whatever, you love it" Eleanor says in a mocking tone.

"Ok, so, either I help him find the problem and risk Eleanor being caught, which would be bad, or I don't help him which would also be bad. I need to try and figure out a way to both help him and not help him at the same time" I say, pretty much thinking out loud at this point.

"I don't think that's possible" Chidi spoke.

"Oh, really? I once posed as a hot prom date for my cousin, both helping him and later, according to his therapist, not helping him" Eleanor counters. 

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