Chapter 19- Shotgun, Wedding

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(A/N) Yo, I'm back from the dead, let's get on with the chapter.

So, I'm having a crisis. But let's be real here, when am I not? Anyways, the crisis. 

I'm starting to think that I definitely have a thing for Shinjiro. Actually. scratch that, I know that I definitely have a thing for Shinjiro. 

Believe it or not, my feelings started for him ever since he rejoined SEES, I was going to confess to him eventually, but he died before I got the chance to tell him how I really felt, I ended up forgetting about my feelings for him eventually, and then I guess they started coming back after Michael revealed our past memories.

But here is where my crisis is the most, Michael mentioned that we've been through many reboots, and from the implications, the two of us actually had memories of each other and of SEES, most likely the first reboot, or there could be more, who knows? That got me thinking, we had to have been dating at one point in one of the reboots, I don't know which one of us confessed to the other, but we had to have been dating.

"Ugh, would Janet know about this?" I quietly say to myself.

"Would I know what?" Janet says.

"AH!" I shout, sitting up from my bed. "Oh, holy crap, I forgot you could do that, I guess I didn't hear the bing sound" I say with my hands over my heart.

"Yes, you did forget. Anyways, do you need help with anything?" 

"Um... I don't know..."

"Is it about Shinjiro?"

"How did you- I mean, uh, haha, no." I awkwardly laugh.

Janet didn't buy it and instead just kept looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Ok, fine, it is." I say with a blush on my face.

"I knew you two had a thing for each other! Now, I will ask you again, do you need help with anything?"

"Do you... happen to know if Shinjiro and I ever dated in the reboots?"

"I can't answer that since my memories were wiped out along with you guys, but it does say according to the database, you two dated in the first reboot."

"Ahhh, I knew it." I say with embarrassment as I lie back down on my bed."

"Do you want to know what my advice to you would be?" Janet asks.

"Please." I answer, lifting my head up from the bed to see her.

"I say you should go get it girl! Bye!" 

"Wait, Janet, no- Aaand she left. Wonderful." I sigh as I put my head back down. 

I start thinking about what I should do, after a good few minutes of just pondering on it, I decide that I should just go yolo, and do it... that may have been the most cringeworthy thing I've ever said. But that's not the point, I am not missing this opportunity again, I have to do this.

"Hoo boy, this can either go extremely right, or extremely wrong. I'm hoping it's the first one" I whisper to myself. 


I was currently with Shinjiro and we were sitting near the fountain, we were just chatting about random things like we always did, as I tried mentally preparing myself to confess. I couldn't help but get a weird feeling of deja vu in this moment, like I've done this before, could it have been because of the reboots? Who ended up confessing the first reboot though? If it was Shinjiro, then damn.

After feeling like I was well mentally prepared, I took a deep breath.

"Hey, Shinjiro, mind if I tell you something?" I ask with slight nervousness in my voice.

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