Chapter 11- The Case

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So we were back in Michael's office for like the umpteenth time, I really hope this is the last time I'll be in here because oh my god.

Anyways, Shawn was sitting where Michael would normally be and the rest of us were sitting on the other side of the desk.

"I'm here to preside over case #00003 regarding the soul of Eleanor Shellstrop. The Bad Place has sent Bad Janet to present their argument" Shawn stated.

Oh boy.

We hear a chime and then Bad Janet appears.

"What's up ding-dongs?" Bad Janet greets. "Yeah, so basically, um, the Fake Eleanor's a dirtbag and these jabronis are gonna try to claim she's less of a dirtbag now, but she just stole your train, and she still sucks bad. And she belongs with us. Oh, also, check this out"

She turns around... and farts.

"Nailed it" Then she left, thank God.

"I've ruled the fart inadmissible as evidence. What I will consider is the recent development of Eleanor stealing my train"

"Now, hold on a second" Michael spoke up. "She stole your train to voluntary go down to the Bad Place. She was sacrificing herself because she is a wonderful, selfless- No, don't- oh"

As Michael said that last part, Shawn went into a cocoon.

"What's happening?" Chidi asked.

"I should've warned you. Shawn only cares about cold hard facts. If he detects any feelings in your voice, he retreats into a cocoon, so what we need to do now is just be very still and quiet" Michael explains.

"Huh, I wish I had the ability to retreat in a cocoon" Shinjiro mutters under his breath.

Same, Shinjiro, same.

We wait for a few seconds, and Shawn comes out of his cocoon.

"Finally" Tahani says as she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, come-"

"What did he just say?"


The Other Eleanor, Chidi and Shinjiro all complained.

"Oh, because you're all so perfect" Tahani retorted.

- - - - - - 

"Eleanor was supposed to be in the Bad Place, arrived here by accident, assumed another person's identity, and has now escaped. Is that the whole story?" Shawn asked.

"Well, no. Someone else was sent here by mistake. His name is Jason Mendoza, and I believe he's on the train with Eleanor" Michael answered.

"You knew about Jason?" Tahani asked with shock in her voice.

Seems like she did find out about Jason that one time. Oof.

"Yes, I know that he's a fake and that he's married to Janet and that this entire neighborhood is... What's the human expression? Ah, yes, a smokin' hot turd"

"I'll deal with Jason Mendoza later. For now, I will hear about your arguments for why Fake Eleanor Shellstrop should stay in the Good Place" Shawn says as he walks back to the desk.

"We can do this, we must remain emotionless. I'm talking Kristen Stewart on a red carpet level of emotionless here, all right?" Tahani said.

I'm not sure what that's supposed to look like, but ok.


"Eleanor dedicated herself to the study of ethics. I was blown away by her capacity for self improvement" Chidi deadpanned. 

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