Chapter 21- A Little Party Never Killed Nobody

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This is it, what we've been all waiting for, finally getting out of this hellhole and heading to the Good Place, the real Good Place. 

After finishing up our conversation at the railway station, we walked to another place near the railway station, although we were still outside.

"Ok. I don't know about you guys, but I say we leave the miserable shirthole." Eleanor says.

"Same, I'm so ready to leave this forkin' place behind." Shinjiro agrees.

"No, wait, wait. Not so fast." Michael says as he gets in front of us. "Now, getting to the Good Place is pretty tricky. There's no train to catch. I have to design a complicated, unique, transportation vehicle."

"Is it Optimus Prime?" Jason asks. We all just kind of stared at him after he asks that.

"What?" Michael asks.

"I can't believe we get to ride a real life Optimus Prime. I call right nipple! That's shotgun on Optimus Prime." Jason says.

"Look, this vehicle, which is decidedly not Optimus Prime..."

"Aw!" Jason exclaimed.

"...has never been built before. So I'm gonna need a few days to do this."

"Dude, we just escaped by the skin of our teeth, and any second now, Shawn is  gonna realize that we are not at Mindy St. Clair's. So whatever this magical Good Place mobile is, now's the time to whip it out, B." Eleanor reminded.

"I agree." Tahani adds. "And although, I believe I've asked you this question already-"    

"There is no business class." Michael answers.

"Michael, they're right. We gotta go." Chidi says.

"No pressure though, we fully understand." I add.

"Thank you, Minako." Michael thanks, to which I nod in reply.

Michael flicks his hand up and a hologram appears, which I assume is a blueprint for something. He flicks both of his hands and the thing merged to create that one science symbol thingy.

"Ok. Here goes nothing. Janet, if you would." Michael says.

"AAAAnd presto!" She says as she moves her arm up as if to present something.

"Nothing happened." Shinjiro says.

"Oops. Forgot to log in first. Gotta answer my security question. What was the name of your childhood pet? Korzoth, the ten headed dog spider."

"AAAAnd presto!" She says again doing the whole arm movement again.

We saw a hot air balloon coming down from the sky. All of us, except for Michael and Janet, were staring at the balloon in awe as it came down.

"Dooope" Jason says in awe.

"We did it guys, we won. We're going to the Good Place, in a frickin' gold balloon!" Eleanor exclaims.

"Shotgun!" Jason exclaims.

"It's a hot air balloon. What does that even mean?" Chidi asks.

"Top of the balloon! Ultimate shotgun." Jason answers as he steps in front of us.

"Yeah, I don't think that's possible." Shinjiro says.

We all then go closer to the hot air balloon.

"Guys, just a reminder. I have no idea what's gonna happen when we actually reach the Good Place. you know, we're trying to slip in through some kind of side door, and even if that works, we have no way of knowing if they'll let us stay." Michael explains.

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