Chapter 18- Time For Some Epic Gaming!

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(A/N) A little bit of a short chapter this week, next one will definitely be longer.

Because of the fact that today was a free day for me, meaning no ethics lessons for today and no getting tortured. I decided to make the most of it and go to one of the many frozen yogurt places we had here. Which is where I was currently headed at the moment.

Just as I got close to there.


"Hm? Oh, Minako." He says as he turned around.

"Hey, what're you up to?" I greet him with a smile.

"Nothing much. I was just taking a walk around. But now that you're here, would you... maybe want to do something together?" He asks.

I couldn't help but smile at him and the fact that he was blushing.

"Yeah, of course. I was just about to go and get myself some frozen yogurt, wanna come with?"


We started walking together to one of the frozen yogurt places, still haven't decided which one though. Is it part of the torture or am I just looking into it to much?

"So, what did you have in mind to do?" I ask.

"Well, I recently got a Wii from Janet, so I was wondering if you wanted to play some games? I was thinking Wii Sports and Resort, just like the old times, y'know."

"Is that even a question?" I ask with a smile.

"Guess it's settled then." He smiles back.


Once we got our frozen yogurt, we went straight to Shinjiro's house as we didn't want to risk anything happening if the other demons saw that we were together. Even though they saw us with the others, I still don't want to risk anything.

When we finished, Shinjiro booted up the Wii.

"So, have you hidden Cooking Mama on this Wii too?" I ask.

"How'd you know- I mean, what are you talking about?" He stammers.

"Janet." I answer with a teasing smile.

We then here that familiar 'bing!' sound. "That's right, I told Minako about how you hid Cooking Mama on the Wii Menu in your dorm." Janet says with a smile, and then she leaves.

"There you go."

Shinjiro stands there for a few seconds with his face red. He sighs before saying, "L-Let's just get started."

"Fine by me."

We ended up playing for about an hour or two, both games combined. The reason why it took that long is because when one of us would win, the other would demand a rematch. We literally spent so much time on sword play because of that, it's not even funny.

But as we were playing, the entire house was filled with us shouting in either rage or excitement.

When we were finished, we sat down on the couch feeling exhausted. We were sitting pretty close to each other, but I tried not to think about that or else I'd be blushing like crazy.

"This has to be the most fun I've had in a while." I say with a smile.

"Same, reminds me of the old times."

"Totally. Ha, speaking of the old times, remember that time Akihiko-Senpai almost threw a Wii Remote at the TV while he was playing the boxing game." I say with a laugh.

"Yeah. Mitsuru was so pissed at him for that." He reminiscences, also laughing.

"Haha. Oh yeah, I remember that!"

Sitting here together with Shinjiro, and laughing together was seriously the greatest thing I could ever ask for.

However, that moment was short lived as we heard a knock on the door.

"Wonder who that is." Shinjiro says as he got up to answer the door.

He opens the door and invites the person inside, it was Michael.

"Do you need something?" Shinjiro asks.

"Yes, actually. Oh, perfect, Minako's here too."

I take that as an invitation to get out of my seat and head over to where they were.

"Janet's kinda going through something right now and I was hoping that you two, along with Eleanor would be able to talk to her."

We both look at each other, then back at Michael.

"Sure." I nod.


"Perfect. Follow me, she's in the room near my office."

- - - - - -

So the four of us were at that one place near Michael's office, hearing Janet out and what her problem was. 

Oh yeah, apparently the reason why Eleanor, Shinjiro and I were asked was because we are apparently the three most problematic humans. I don't know about the others, but it's an absolute honor to receive that title.

Anyways, as Janet finished her ranting, the three of us looked shocked.

"So, let me get this straight. You want us to convince Michael to turn you into a marble because you're causing earthquakes because you're sad about Jason to whom you were once married because he's currently sleeping with Tahani?" Eleanor confirms.


"...What in the everloving fork?" Shinjiro asks.

"I don't think I've ever meant this literally, but that might be too much information." Eleanor says as I nod in agreement. "First of all, I get the whole Jason thing. I mean, he's a ding dong, but also a straight up hottie. So, up top."

Eleanor and Janet then high five each other, as I just throw my hands up in the air.

"But more important, what you're going through is something every person has gone through."

"Not a person." Janet reminds.

"Actually, right now, you kind of are. Because you just found out your ex is dating someone else. And, yeah, it sucks. But trust me, it's not worth all this drama. You just need to get drunk and go dancing. You'll forget all about Jason. Can you get drunk?"

"Not really. Although, if I stand next to a powerful array of magnets, I do get pretty loopy."

"Do that. Pop a couple of magnets, listen to some No Doubt, dye your hair. You'll be totally fine in, like, two seconds. I mean, honestly, the best move is to get another dude and just go to town. Rebound Guy. But I guess here your options are pretty limited. What about Michael."

"Isn't he basically like her father in a way?" I ask.

"Extraordinarily bad idea." Janet answers.

"Yeah, right. Forget it. But you don't need to worry. You're awesome. You contain all the knowledge in the universe, you have a rippin' bod, and you can do literally anything. This is just a blip." Eleanor says. "Now, with all that being said. You two got a piece of advice for her?" She asks Shinjiro and I.

"Uhh, I have like zero knowledge in this kind of stuff." I answer.

"Same here, but I can tell you a more healthy alternative to cope. You can write down your feelings in a journal, and talking to someone, like you're doing right now, also helps." Shinjiro says.

"Wow, I'm impressed, who knew the emo dude himself can talk about how to deal with your feelings." Eleanor says.

Shinjiro just stares at her with a confused look on his face after she said that.

(A/N) Hey, everyone, thank you for reading chapter 18 of this fic. I'm sorry for not uploading for the past two weeks, my chronic fatigue and executive dysfunction have literally been kicking my ass, so if I don't upload on a certain week, that's why. Anyways, with all that being said, I'll see you all in the next chapter, bye.

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