Chapter 23- A Tough Case Even For Team Cockroach

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One by one, we all started coming out the portal as we screamed in unison, then falling and rolling on the floor with a groan.

We all slowly got up from the ground.

"That... was... awesome!" Jason excitedly says as he got up from the ground. "I'm going again!" He tried running back to the portal, but Shinjiro and I stopped him by holding him back.

"No, no you're not." I say.

"I think I barfed in another dimension before we landed. Is my barf just gonna float out there forever? Is someone gonna fly through my barf when they use the portal?" Chidi asks.

"Ugh! Stop saying barf." Eleanor says while covering her mouth.

"And where's Michael?" He asks again.

I sigh before explaining. "Not coming. He sacrificed himself to save me. Shawn eventually caught up to him, and I saw Shawn grabbing him before I went in the portal." 

"Was it a nice grab or a bad grab?" Jason asked.

"A bad one, obviously?" I answer while furrowing my eyebrows.

"Like, a nice bad grab, or a mean bad grab?"

"What does that even mean?" I ask.

"Just ignore him, Minako." Shinjiro quietly says to me while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No Michael and no Janet. Didn't even get to say a proper goodbye. Not even a mere toodleloo." Tahani says, close to tears.

The portal then closed behind us.

The atmosphere was clearly heavy, and it showed on our faces. So, automatically, I went into leader mode. "I know it sucks not having Michael and Janet around, we're on our own now. Michael... basically sacrificed himself to save us, all we can do now is to just push forward for him." I shrug. I then speak in a more lighthearted tone with a smile on my face. "Besides, it's nothing we can't handle, am I right?"

"Right you are, Minako." Eleanor smiles at me. The rest nodded.

"Anyways, Michael said the portal would lead us to the Judge." I say as we all walked forward to the Judge's desk. "But we don't know where the heck they are."

"Yeah, there's... just a burrito." Shinjiro observed.

"Do you think it's a test? Like, maybe one of us is supposed to eat it, or we eat it together, or-or maybe, maybe it's a test to see how long we can go without eating it." Chidi whispers to us.

"I'm not scared of any burrito. I'll eat it." Jason went forward, before he stopped. "Unless... The burrito is the Judge."

"Don't be so bloody ridiculous. Judges aren't food. Judges are serious people who wear long, silk nightgowns and big, white powdered wigs." Tahani corrected.

"Wait." I say while holding up a hand. "You know, he could be right." I walk forward.




Chidi, Tahani, and Shinjiro all asked at the same time.

"Hey, I'm just saying. We've certainly seen weirder things than a burrito as a Judge, I know I certainly have. So we gotta be careful." I clear my throat. "Hello, Your Excellency. My name is Minako Arisato. We doth seek thine judgement. We've travelled a long distance to see you, o great one."

"What are you guys looking at?" We hear a voice from behind us suddenly, causing us to jump back with a shout.

We turn behind us to see the person, who I assumed to actually be the Judge. We were all still startled.

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