Chapter 39 ~ Grovel

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Rose De León

I have never felt so betrayed in my life. 

We shared such a special moment, I completely gave myself to him. 

I love him. That's what hurts. I love him with everything I have in me but apparently he doesn't love me enough to include me in big decisions like this and instead tells me after a moment like that. 

Piece of shit. 

Hot piece of shit though. I can't deny that. 

I'm sitting on Ryker's couch with him right beside me watching another Barbie movie. "I'm gonna be just like Barbie when I'm older. I'll run Cyrus over with my little pink car." He grins at the last few words and glances over to me. 

I told him everything that happen, I spared him the sex details though, and for the past hour that I've been here he as been making little hate comments about Cyrus. I almost want to tell him to stop and that I know Cyrus is a good man who just did one really big shitty thing but on the other hand every time I think about him my blood boils. 

I know Cyrus loves me. I know deep inside of my heart. But maybe just not enough has I thought. 

 When we got married he told me that I was included in almost all Mafia decisions. Clearly he didn't mean it. 

Honestly, I don't mind the fact that he's going undercover. I use to go under cover all the time so I know how it is. I just don't like that its 4 months long, more dangerous than the stuff I do and the fact that he didn't fucking tell me months ago when he started planning it.  

"I think I can see some smoke coming out of your ears" Ryker looks at me with a teasing smile and I take a deep breath, trying to breath out a the anger in me. 

I love that man more than I love anything else in this world but him betraying me like this feels like such a stab in the back. This was a kind of decision I should have been included in from the very start, not just as his wife but as someone in the Mafia as well. 

A knock at the door stops my train of thought. Ryker and I give each other a glance before he gets up and walks to the front door. 

As soon as he opens it Evelyn storms in past him and rushes over to me. I see both rage and sadness in her eyes. Almost mimicking mine.

"That shit of a grandson I have. I gave him a good smacking upside the head when he told me what happened. He tried to come with me but I smacked him again before he could even think about taking a step towards my car." She says, walking over to me and standing in front of me. 

Her soft hands gently touch the sides of my face where the tears have left a stain. "He made a terrible decision but he loves you so much. Whatever you decide to do next you cannot forget that. Sometimes when people are angry they forget to think with love." Her words cut deeper then I expect them to do. 

Another tear escapes my eye and she makes note of quickly wiping it away with her thumb, putting a small smile on her lips. 

"Is he okay?" The question leaves my lips before I have a chance to think. I know he's hurting as well, I could see it all over his face and it nearly broke my heart all over again but I was thinking with only anger. 

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