Chapter 19

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09.09PM Regina: Hey Z, is Emma at the bar?

09.11PM Regina: She said she'd hang out there with Ruby, did you see her yet?

09.11PM Regina: Things may or may not have happened last night again, even though I know you said it wasn't smart to do.

09.12PM Regina: It was different, last night. There's just something about her.

09.23PM Regina: Can you tell me when some creep is flirting with her?

09.34PM Regina: Is she hitting on people?

09.36PM Zelena: Fuck off, Regina. I'm working.

09.36PM Regina: Now that you're texting back, can't you at least respond to my questions??

09.41PM Regina: I mean, I know it's weird with us working together and all, but it doesn't affect our work, so is it really that bad?

09.43PM Regina: With whom is she talking, right now?

09.44PM Regina: Could you stop Emma from flirting with anyone?

I sighed as I stared at the screen. Ruby was reading along as well and I heard her giggling softly, but I didn't find it too laughable.

"Oh, my God," I muttered and rubbed my temples. "This is insane. I.. God, I don't like this."

"Well, you could also say it's really cute, the way she actually wants to be exclusive with you," Ruby said, with a shrug. "I don't quite believe it's our boss, Miss Mills, typing all these things. It doesn't sound like her. Far too whiny."

"It's not cute, Ruby! There's nothing going on between us, so she should just let me hit on cute guys like Brennan, if I want to," I said and gazed at the man I'd previously hit on.

"Confront her, then. If it means that much to you. Or you could start dating someone else and get your revenge that way," Ruby said.

I let out another sigh and ran my hand through my hair. Zelena came back and grabbed her phone. She observed me for a moment and then Ruby.

"Regina is.. something else, but I promise you, she doesn't have bad intentions. She's just.. very quickly jealous, always has been."

"I really need to talk to her," I said and looked at Ruby. "Am I a total bitch if I tell you I want to continue hanging out another time?"

Ruby smiled and shook her head. "No, I mostly wanted to talk to you about Miss Mills, but now I know all I wanted to know, so it's fine. If it's fine on your part that I'm going to make a move on the man you kept staring at since I got back from the bathroom."

"Totally fine," I said and grabbed my stuff, before I hurried outside. Fortunately, Regina's mansion wasn't a long walk from the bar, so I found myself on her doorstep less than ten minutes later.

I didn't even hesitate before ringing the doorbell, I was angry at her. Not just for ruining any flirts I could have had this evening, but for pretending like we're more than casual sex.

The door opened and Regina appeared in a fluffy bathrobe. She seemed pleasantly surprised to see me, but I didn't budge. I was here to be angry at her, not to wonder about the bare skin underneath that robe.

"Why did Zelena have to pretend to be my fiancée, to ruin any chances I had with a guy that seemed very sweet and had a lot of muscles?!" I asked.

Regina raised her eyebrows and opened the door further. I was glad she did, because though the nights were getting warmer, it was still not pleasantly warm.

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