secret is out

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- joes Pov -

I've spent the last few hours doing endless homework. One would think that the only homework you have on music school is playing or writing music. But that would be a wrong assumption. There is a lot of music theory that goes into this bachelor's degree to make a well-rounded musician. Not only do they want us to play music well, but they want us to have good ear training, music history and even ethics classes. Then next semester there are even more classes that's not playing the piano. But I don't mind at all, I actually think what we are learning is interesting. It doesn't hurt that with the homework for the ear training class and ethics class I usually work with Taylor because we are both in those classes. We obviously do our own homework, but it's good to have someone to reflect on things with and compare notes taken in class.

Taylors note taking skills are amazing, she really has a system that works great for her. And she writes everything by hand on her iPad. Its impressive that she can have readable notes taken so fast, I could never do that by hand. That's why I take my notes on my computer, so I don't need to deal with trying to understand my handwriting that's written in a hurry. It's not like I have ugly handwriting, I was always good at that when I was a kid, but not if I have to take the notes quickly for class. We had to do that obviously in middle school and high school, but it made it hard to understand what I had written. Thankfully my last two years in high school we were able to use our computers in class, so that made everything easier on me. The School changed its policy, and we were allowed to use our computers but if you did something you weren't supposed to you lost that privilege.

I am on my way up to Taylors dorm so we can compare notes from class today, but before I step out the door on her floor I hear arguing in the hallway, Taylor and harry to be specific. I know it's wrong to eavesdrop, but I can't help myself. I'm not going to lie, I am a little jealous of what they used together, and part of me is worried she is going to dump me and go back to him. They have history together, years of it. For the most part they grew up together, and that's not something that's going away just because she is with me.

«Leave it alone harry, I mean it. Its none of your fucking business» she snaps at him. I can tell she is trying to keep her voice down so people don't hear her, but I can hear the sharp edges of her tone.

«You need help Taylor. It's getting out of hand, and you can't hide it anymore. I see what you're doing, and I'm not going to let you do this again. You remember how bad it's gotten, and every round it gets worse than the last. It's going to kill you eventually Taylor if you keep going, and I'm not going to stand by and watch it» he snaps back at her, and I furrow my eyebrows. What the fuck are they talking about? Kill her? Is she suicidal and I didn't know about it? I haven't seen any signs of that, we learned about the signs in a mental health seminar my senior year in high school and I haven't spotted any of them with Taylor. But I could be blind to all of it, I don't know.

«It's not up to you to judge any of that harry. I'm fine and I'm not killing myself. And I don't owe you an explanation, you're not my parent, my therapist, or my boyfriend for that matter. I've offered you friendship but that's it, that's all I can offer you. And since we aren't close anymore you don't get to bring any of this shit up to me. It's your choice to not take my offer of friendship, and you can't now bring this shit up to me» therapist? I didn't know that either.

«You're being unfair Taylor. It doesn't matter that I'm none of those things, I still know you better than anyone at this School, and I promised your parents before I left for New York that I would look out for you» he argues. «The fact that you're even talking to my parents is annoying»

«You know our parents are friends Taylor, and your parents have always liked me. I spent a lot of time with your family growing up, it's not a surprise they still talk to me and wanted to have me look out for you. You can be pissed at me all you want but that's not going to change. I love you and I won't watch you die. You have a problem, and you need help. You can call your parents yourself or I will» he snaps at her. I knew he still loved her, that much is obvious, but as her boyfriend it stings to hear it.

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