Chapter Six: Scars

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Rain kept having dreams about Sophia. In some of them she would wake up and Sophia would be at the foot of her bed, or outside her tent or sat on a picnic blanket outside eating a peach as if she was never gone, sometimes Rain would find her, in the forest or a cave or huddled up in the trunk of a car, terrified and cold. Rain almost couldn't remember what she looked like but she always knew it was Sophia.

Beth collapsed, they put her in bed and called for Rain because they couldn't find Hershel but this wasn't her expertise, she could fix up a cut or wound, she had even done a few amputations but apart from drink some water and don't choke on your vomit she wasn't too sure. Beth woke up and Rain felt her forehead,
"Jesus you're boiling." she exclaimed,
"Here, let's get this cardigan off of you."
She helped her take it off and looked down at her arms, her wrists were littered with scars.
"Beth." Rain whispered,
"I'm sorry." she wimpered,
"Hey, hey, hey, don't be sorry, it's going to be fine." she smiled at her and handed her a tissue to wipe her tears.
"You know, me and you have a couple things in common, my dad died when I was a few years older than you and..."
Rain rolled up her sleeves and revealed her own arms,
"You see that?"
"Tattoos?" Beth asked quietly,
"Here, feel." Rain took her hand and ran her finger over the large bumps on her arms,
"See twins." She smiled. "That was so long ago that you cant even see the scars anymore, it got better, it always does I promise you."
Beth smiled but didn't say anything,
"Now let's get these cleaned up and bandaged and wait for your dad to get back. Yeah?"

Rain hadn't seen Daryl in a while so she decided to find him, soon she found a little camp he set up out of the way of everyone else.
"What do you want?" Daryls voice said behind Rain as she admired his washing line of dead squirrels,
"Just came to see if you're alright."
"I'm fine." He grumbled,
"You sure?"
She put her hand on his arm but he pushed her away,
"What do you want?" He repeated, she started to talk but he interrupted her,
"I should have never gone looking for Sophia, it was a mistake. You know I almost died... for a child... a child who ain't even mine!" he was shouting now, "I don't care about anyone here, not Sophia, or Carol or you."
At this point Rain was on the verge of tears, she sniffed and turned away from him so he couldn't see,
"I don't need your help bitch."


Rick and Shane locked a man in the barn, Rick found him in the village and they kept him prisoner. Daryl still hadn't spoken to Rain, even going out of his way to ignore her, and Lori let everyone know she was pregnant.

They were all sat around the campfire talking about the guy locked up in the barn when Daryl returned from talking to him.
"Boy there's got a gang, 30 men." he said slightly out of breath, "they have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead and our women... they're gonna wish they were."
"What did you do with him?" Carol asked him,
"Had a little chat." He replied but Rain looked down at his knuckles and grimaced, they were bruised and covered in blood.

That night Rick, Shane and Daryl went to kill the man, about twenty minutes later only Rick came back,
"We're keeping him in custody for now." He said.
They did a vote earlier in the day, whether he should live or die but Rain wasn't sure. There were rumours his group raped people, he said he wasn't apart of it but they were never going to get proof either way, there was no law anymore, no police, no dna testing, so which way do they go, innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proved innocent.
Suddenly there was a scream in the distance and the sound of a walker groaning, they all jumped up and grabbed their weapons.
They followed the noises to find Dale, he was lay on the ground fighting off a walker on top of him, his face was bright red and he groaned as he tried to muster strength. By the time the group were close enough it was too late, it didn't even bite him, it clawed open his chest.

After Dale's death Hershel let the group move in with him, fourteen people in one house, it was going to be cozy.
Rain was getting sick of it now, people dying, apart from her mum she had never seen anyone she knew die and with her mum she had no time to mourn, she was too busy trying to survive. Rain was out there alone for two months before Rick found her. She thought things would feel like they were back to normal, she made a friend, Amy, and then she died, then she made another friend, Carol, and her beautiful daughter, she tried so hard to help them both yet Sophia died, she didn't know Dale very well but he was so clearly a nice person, he was the only person who wanted the guy in the barn to live. Rain was sort of glad Daryl stopped talking to her, knowing her curse he'd probably die as well.

The guy in the barn went missing, Rick said he must have slipped his cuffs.
Suddenly Shane came out of the forest shouting, his nose was cut and there was blood running down his face,
"He's armed!" He shouted. "He's got my gun!"
Rick, Shane, Glenn and Daryl went out to look for him and everyone else were ordered to stay in the house.

It had been a few hours since then and it was getting dark. Suddenly the door opened and Daryl and Glenn entered the living room,
"Rick and Shane ain't back?" Daryl asked looking round the room,
"No." Lori replied,
"We heard a shot."
"Maybe they found Randall."
"We found him," Daryl replied, "he's a walker."
"Can you please go find Rick and Shane." Lori said and they left again.
Almost as soon as they left they were back in the house,
"The farms been overrun," Daryl said with urgency, "and the barns on fire."
Everyone grabbed their weapons, Rain had her axe and a pistol, and got into vehicles, Daryl jumped on his motorbike, Andrea and T-Dog were in the pickup truck, Glenn and Maggie in a car and Rain jumped in the rv with Jimmy, they both fired at the walkers from their windows as they drove passed, it was working but there was still so many coming in.
They drove to the barn to see Rick and Carl in the hayloft, they must have started the fire, they jumped onto the roof of the rv.
Jimmy's door swung open and four walkers grabbed his legs, Rain tried to pull him back in by his shoulders and arms but they had already started biting him, eating him alive in front of her.
"Rick!" She screamed, but he couldn't hear her.
Rain stood up and scrambled to the back of the rv, she climbed up onto the kitchen counter and opened the skylight above her before pulling herself up onto the roof, then she jumped off and joined Rick and Carl.
The trio ran round the barn and towards the woods, they ran all the way through the woods and out the other side back by the house, Hershel was still there, shooting at the walkers alone, they grabbed him and ran to a red car nearby.
Rain sat next to Hershel, he looked back at the farm until it was completely out of sight, when he finally turned back Rain put her head on his shoulder and he put his head on top of hers, she was exhausted. She hadn't seen anyone else apart from Jimmy, it made her wonder how many people were dead, maybe everyone did, they were split up from everyone now, even if they survived they might not see each other again.

They drove to the highway thinking that's where everyone would have gone but no one was there.
They stood on the highway and Rick held Rain and stroked her hair to comfort her,
"We could be the only ones left." she whispered looking up at him,
"We're not." he said angrily and she nodded and put her head back down on his chest. "Lori's still alive and Glenn, Daryl, Andrea, T- Dog, Carol, your daughters." He looked to Hershel and trailed off at the end of his sentence, something had distracted him. Rain lifted her head up to hear a motorbike in the distance, the noise got louder and the bike came into view, it was Daryl and Carol. Then a car arrived behind it and then another, everyone got out and started hugging each other but Rain just stood where she was, she couldn't imagine anyone was thinking of her, no one left the farm wondering if she had survived.
She looked round at everyone and when she got to Daryl their eyes met, he opened his arms for a hug and she jogged over to him before hugging him tightly, crying into his neck.
"I was wondering where you were." He said before using his thumb to wipe her tear,
"I always survive." She smiled,
he laughed before hugging her again. "One second." She said as she pulled away. Rain found Beth hugging her father and sister.
"Hey Beth, can I speak to you?"
She nodded,
"I'm really sorry but Jimmy..." Beth nodded, she already knew what Rain was going to say. Then she stepped back into Hershels arms and cried.

- Princexiero xx

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