Chapter Eight: Grey

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Seven Months Later

The group thought they had got every house for miles, there was nowhere else they could go, until Rick and Daryl found a prison. A massive grey building with a chain link fence going all the way around it, it was completely overrun but it was their best option.
Finally they had a home. Somewhere permanent.
That night they ate dinner by a fire, they were speaking of getting fresh running water in and planting crops. Rain looked over at Daryl, he was stood on top of a bus which had been turned on its side keeping look out, she grabbed some of the squirrel that had been cooking on the fire and put it on her plate before walking over to him.
"Hey!" She called and he looked down and nodded at her, she raised her hand and he took it and pulled her up onto the bus.
"Got you some food." She handed him the plate. "I know you won't eat otherwise."
"Little Shane over there has got quite the appetite." He looked over at Lori and
Rain laughed,
"You shouldn't say that." She replied still smiling. "It's not too bad here is it?"
"No ma'am." Daryl replied,
"Going to be cold tonight though."
Daryl nodded for a second before jumping as if he remembered something,
"Here," he grunted before taking his poncho off and handing it to her,
"Oh, no." She said feeling guilty. "I wasn't- I was just making conversation."
"Turn around." he instructed and she did, he draped the poncho over her shoulders. When she turned back to face him, he adjusted the poncho and made sure it was pulled across the front of her, she smiled at him, looking him in the eyes but he quickly looked away.
"You should be getting back." He said,
"Right, yeah." Rain replied awkwardly. "You staying up here tonight?"
"Probably." he replied,
"Alright, well goodnight then."
She stood on her tiptoes and lightly kissed him on the cheek before getting down off the bus, she started to walk away before stopping and turning back to him,
"Thanks for the poncho." she called.


The next day they took out the courtyard of the prison, they couldn't use guns this time, they had to get up close.
There were three walkers coming towards Rain all in blue jumpsuits, she beheaded the first one and axed the second one on the top of the head, the third one was too close though, she didn't have space to lift up her axe, she backed away from it slowly to make space.
"Rain!" She heard someone shouting behind her. "Rain!" It was multiple people now but she couldn't turn around, she had to keep her eye on the walker. Finally she had enough space, she raised her axe and beheaded the final one but as she stepped back she realised there was something behind her, she turned around and the shouts got louder, there was a walker behind her in full riot gear, hard bullet proof vest and a big helmet with a visor. How was she going to kill it? Rain screamed and Glenn ran over and pulled it onto the ground by it's shoulders,
"Are you okay?" He asked her and she nodded,
"I'm sorry, I didn't know what to do." She said as she watched him pin the walker to the ground and lift its visor up before stabbing it right between the eyes with a metal pole.

They entered the prison and cleared out one of the cell blocks so they could live in it. Grey walls and floors, metal bars on all the doors, no windows, it was home sweet home.
They picked their cells, Rain was on the top bunk and Lori was on the bottom, she was way too pregnant to even attempt climbing onto the top.

The next day they decided to clear out some more of the prison and look for a cafeteria and an infirmary. Rain decided to sit this one out so she stayed with Carl, Beth, Lori and Carol.
The rest weren't gone for long before they heard shouting and footsteps coming down the hallway, they all ran to the door to see Hershel being pushed on a gurney, he was missing a leg, it had been chopped off at the knee.
Carl fumbled with the keys and unlocked the door as quickly as he could, they pushed the gurney through into one of the cells and carefully lifted Hershel onto the bed.
"He's been bit." Rick said. "We had to cut it off."
Everyone let Rain get to the front of the crowd to have a look at the Hershel's stump,
"Ugh... I- I need bandages."
"We don't have any." Glenn replied,
"Okay fine, towels."
Carl ran out the room to grab some towels.
"Is he gonna die?" Beth asked and Lori held her face gently in her hands,
"No, he's gonna be fine."
Rain turned around to look at her,
"He's just gonna have one less leg, that's all." She then turned to Carol, "Can you keep the leg elevated for me?"
Carol nodded and held the leg up while T-dog ran to get some pillows. Hershel had already bled through the sheets.

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