Chapter Twenty-One: Coffin

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Rain woke up suddenly and the dream she had just had flashed quickly through her head. Judith was in the dream, well it looked like Judith but in the dream she was Rain's child. She had memories of giving birth to her at the Hilltop but the doctor wasn't the Hilltops doctor, it was Pete, and Daryl was there, he was holding her hand when she gave birth. They named the child... she tried to remember what they named it. Suddenly the whole dream was gone, it had drifted away to never be remembered again.

Tara told them about a community who lived on the beach, apparently they had a lock up full of guns and people who could fight. Rick found a community too but they said they'd only help if Rick could supply them with guns.

Tara took two of the women of Oceanside hostage while Michonne set off three explosions just outside of their camp, as everyone ran away only two women ran to the armory to protect the weapons. Rain, Daryl, Jesus, Aaron and Eric followed them and told them to get on their knees with their hands behind their head, then Jesus tied them up.

"This is about what you've got and what we need." Rick said once they had the whole community on their knees in the forest. "We're fighting the Saviours."
"We've tried that before and we lost too much." A woman said. "We're not going to lose anymore."
"We're gonna win." Tara said. "With your guns, with or without your help."

They returned to Alexandria with the guns they needed but not the support. Upon their arrival, Rosita told them they had a visitor.
She opened the door to the cell and inside Dwight stood up, immediately Daryl lunged for him and Rick held him back.
"He said he wants to help us." Rosita shouted over Daryl's growls.
"That true?" Rick asked him. "You want to help?"
"I do." Dwight replied. "I want Negan dead."
"That girl you murdered," Tara said stepping forward, "she had a name."
"Her name was Denise," Rain said, "and she was a doctor, she saved people."
"I wasn't aiming for her." Dwight replied looking at Daryl, Daryl lunged for him again and pushed him against the wall by his throat, he pulled a knife from his pocket and held it to Dwight's face.
"You know I'm not lying." He croaked and Daryl loosened his grip. "Does anyone trust me."
"I doesn't matter." Rain replied. "I know every single thing you did to Daryl."
"My wife was the one who helped him escape." Dwight replied and Rain scoffed,
"Your wife."
Dwight turned back to the whole group. "Negan's coming tomorrow. Three trucks probably, 20 Saviours and him. I can slow them down to give you time to get ready, then once you get them all, I can radio back to the Sanctuary and say everything went to plan, then you drive the trucks back and get Sasha and Eugene."

They stepped out and watched Dwight drive off.
"If he's lyin' I'm gonna kill him real slow." Daryl said and Rain nodded before turning around and throwing up on the road behind them. Daryl put his hand on her back. "You good?"
"Yeah." She panted. "I'm just stressed."


The next day came around quickly and everything was prepared, Jadis and her group had arrived and wired up explosives in the truck parked just outside the fence, hopefully right next to where Negan and his men would be. They used cars as a barricade across the gate and loaded their weapons.

Rain clutched her gun as the signal sounded, she exhaled and nodded at Tara next to her. The low hum of an engine started to get louder as Negan pulled up to the gate and Eugene's voice could be heard over a megaphone.
"I come armed with two barrels of the truth. A test is upon you and I'm giving out a cheat sheet." The brakes of three vehicles screeched and hissed as they came to a stop. "I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you heed. Options are zero to none, you may thrive or you may die. Will you comply Rick?"
"Where's Negan?" Rick asked from the top of the watch tower. Eugene lowered the megaphone and looked up at him,
"I'm Negan."
Rick sighed and looked down at Rosita who was stood infront of Rain, just outside the gate. He nodded firmly and everyone ducked as she pressed the button on the control in her hand.
A second passed and then two and nothing happened. Rain looked up to see Daryl looking back at her, confusion painted across his face, she shrugged.
Suddenly Jadis stood up from where she was crouched next to Rick and pointed her gun at him, her people all followed.
One of Negan's men opened the gate and Negan stepped out of the car followed by Dwight, they opened up the truck that the group had packed with explosives and removed them carefully.
"You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick?" Negan asked cheerfully. "He thought he knew shit but didn't know shit and got everyone that he gave a shit about killed." He pointed at Rick. "It's about you."
Dwight and Simon climbed onto the flatbed back of one of the trucks and unclipped a large object covered in a sheet, they then pulled the sheet off to reveal a coffin, they tipped the coffin so it was stood up vertically.
"So you don't like Eugene anymore." Negan said as he jumped up on the truck. "You guys gotta like Sasha. I do too." He banged on the coffin with his baseball bat gently as if he were knocking on a door. "Got her right here packaged for your convenience, alive and well."
Negan then told them his demands, what he wanted in return for Sasha. All of their guns, their pool table, Daryl back and one person of their choosing for him to kill.
"Let me see her." Rick said.
Negan agreed and knocked on the coffin once again, he waited a couple of second before tugging the lid open.
"Holy goddamn!" He yelled as Sasha stumbled out growling and hissing at him. She was dead.
Immediately Carl took his opportunity and shot three of the men that towered over him. Daryl followed suit and then so did everybody else.
Rain swung round and shot a man and a woman who stood behind her, she then approached the gate and tried to shoot through the bars at the Saviours on the other side, trying carefully not to hit Eugene. At this point she didn't care if he died, he was a traitor, but she didn't want to be the one to do it.
Daryl joined her but soon they backed away as the Saviours moved closer into Alexandria.
"Get down!" He shouted and they both ducked behind a building and watched what was happening across the road, Rick and Carl were both on their knees surrounded by Saviours and Negan was talking to them.
Suddenly there was a scream behind them. It was Michonne.
Rain rapidly stood up to go help her but Daryl stopped her,
"You have to stay here." He said,
"Trust me."
He held onto her tightly and she started to sob in his arms.
"Hey dudes." A voice behind them spoke, they turned around to see Jerry looking as jolly as always. "I love this bit."
She watched as Negan held his bat high over Carl's head and she started to squeal, Daryl put his hand over her mouth and suddenly her eyes widened at what she had just seen.
Shiva leaped over the group of Saviours and tackled one to the ground, stopping Negan in his tracks. Then Ezekiel and his people emerged from around the corner guns a-blazing.
"Alexandria will not fall, not on this day!" Ezekiel yelled as Daryl and Jerry joined them.
Rain ran to Michonne and Rosita helped her lift her and take her to the infirmary.

The gunfire started to die down and Rain ran to the window, through the smoke she could see Negan driving away.

- Princexiero xx

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