Chapter Nineteen: The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

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Rain looked out of the window to see a few people running to the gate. She ran out to see the truck Daryl, Rosita and Denise took on their run, Abraham was in it too and he was carrying Eugene who had been shot in the stomach.
"Get him to the infirmary." She demanded. "Denise, grab the... Where's Denise?" Daryl just looked at her with a stern expression on his face. "What happened?"
"Saviours." Daryl replied. "There's more of them."

After that Carol left and everyone was on edge, thinking the Saviours would attack again. Daryl was drinking alot and Rain tended to stay away when he did that. She was too busy anyway, stressing about being the only doctor, she had no proper medical training, if anyone got badly hurt it would be her responsibility. Daryl went out looking for Carol and alot of people followed him.

Rain looked around to see where the shouts were coming from,
She finally found Enid on the doorstep so she ran over.
"It's Maggie."
Rain ran into the house to see Maggie on the floor, she was clutching her stomach and screaming,
"I don't know what to do." Rain stuttered as she stared at Maggie in shock. "I don't know anything about pregnancies."
"You've been pregnant!" Enid shouted at her,
"I never went through this." Rain said. "You need a proper doctor like the one at Hilltop."
Maggie stopped screaming and took a few deep breaths,
"I need Glenn."
"He's out looking for Carol." Rain replied,
"That was hours ago," Maggie said, her voice shaking, "he should be back by now."
"I know," Rain replied, "Daryl's still out there too and Michonne and Rosita."

Rain climbed into the RV and lifted Maggies head off of the seat before putting a pillow down underneath it, she put the back of her hand against Maggie's forehead, she was boiling.
Once everyone was in the RV they set off.
"More water?" Rain asked holding up a bottle to Maggie, she nodded and took it.
"What the bitch." She heard Abraham say, she stood up and looked out of the window to see their path was blocked. Three cars, a group of men and another man lay on the ground.
Rick stepped out and walked towards them,
"We can make a deal." Rick said,
"Alright," One of the men spoke stepping forward, "give us all your stuff and we'll only have to kill one of your people."
"Yeah, that's not going to work," Rick replied, "see I was gonna tell you to give us all your stuff and I wouldn't kill any of you, well... Anymore of you."
"Sorry," the man said, "my deal is the only deal, we don't negotiate."
Rick turned around and got back in the RV, they could go a different way.

They carried on their journey and Eugene checked the map and found their new route.
"Bitch nuts." Abraham said and Rain jumped up and, once again, looked out the window. There was another gang, this time slightly bigger. Rick didn't think twice, he didn't get out or talk to them he just tapped Abraham on the shoulder and Abraham started to reverse away. The men didn't do anything apart from shoot a couple bullets into the sky.
Rain sat back down and put her head in her hands,
"You okay?" Maggie asked and Rain laughed,
"Yeah, don't worry about me."
"You're worrying about me." Maggie replied,
"No, of course not." Rain said. "You're going to be fine."

Abraham didn't have to say anything, he just sighed loudly and everyone knew. It wasn't Saviours this time, it was walkers, all chained together in a line blocking the road.
Rain grabbed her gun and jumped out but as soon as she did Rick held her back,
"Don't look." He said but it was too late.
One of the walkers had a few of Michonnes dreadlocks sewed into its head and another was wearing Daryl's jacket. "It's not real, they're trying to scare us."
Suddenly there was gunfire coming from the trees, they were shooting at the groups feet.

Everyone jumped back in the RV and carried on driving.
"Hey." Aaron said as he sat down next to Rain. "You okay?"
"They've got Daryl and Michonne." She replied,
"What about Glenn?" Maggie asked, suddenly sitting up,
"I don't know."
The RV came to a stop again, this time by a stack of logs, everyone got out and suddenly the logs set on fire.
"You're treating people good right?" A voice from behind spoke. "Like it's your last day on earth, or maybe it's one of there's. You better go, it's gonna get hot."

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