Chapter Ten: Head On A Pike

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Rick, Daryl and Hershel had gone to meet with the governor to negotiate with him. The rest of the group were back at the prison preparing for another attack.
"I can't stay here," said Merle picking up a gun from the table in front of him, "my brothers out there fightin'."
"Rick told us to stay put." Glenn spoke angrily,
"They need me." Merle replied as if he ran the world, no one else mattered apart from him and maybe Daryl, he mattered as a punching bag.
"My dad can fight for himself." Carl shouted, he stood on his toes so he could be taller than Merle but he still came up to his shoulder.
"You're dad's gonna come back with his head on a pike." Merle replied,
"Why would you say that." Rain said angrily, standing in front of Carl to protect him.


The boys returned from their meeting with the governor and Rick told everyone what had happened. He told them that the governor wanted the prison and he wanted everyone inside it to be dead for what they did to Woodbury. He told them that they were going to war.

Rain sat down on her bed and put her head in her hands. She couldn't handle this, a war, even with the people around her. She was scared, terrified even.
"Hey." Daryl said from the door,
She looked up and smiled weakly,
"You're doing it again." he said and she looked at him confused. "Being weird and distant."
Rain laughed a little,
"Obviously," she said but Daryl just gave her a blank stare,
"Look I'm sorry I got the wrong idea," she said, "I thought that the bird charm was like a signal, you know, you showing me that you were thinking of me while you were gone."
Daryl sighed and looked down at his booted foot which was sweeping dirt across the floor,
"I was thinking about you." he said timidly.
"Why didn't you kiss me back?" she asked him quietly,
Daryl shrugged,
"I can't... I can't keep getting close to people. I don't want to lose you."


Beth was sat on a bench in the cell block with Judith in her arms feeding her, she looked up to see Rain and smiled,
"Hey." She said before lightly tickling behind Judith's ear and sitting opposite them.
Beth put the bottle down on the table and lifted the baby so she was standing up on Beth's knees,
"It's burping time." she said excitedly before moving her so her head was on Beth's shoulder,
"Oh wait," said Rain, "you need a cloth or something on your shoulder."
She looked around before finding a ragged towel on the floor nearby,
"This will do."
Beth put the cloth on before patting Judith's back, she instantly threw up.
"Ugh gross." said Beth as Rain laughed,
"And that's why you need the cloth."
Beth continued to grimace,
"Don't worry, you'll get used to it."

That night Rain suddenly woke up, she felt disoriented at first, all she could see was the grey concrete of the cell and she forgot where she was for a second. Once she remembered her heart rate slowed down and she tried to remember what had woken her, she couldn't remember any dream she'd had and her heart beating in her ears was too loud to hear anything outside. She decided to get up and stretch her legs before she went back to sleep, she grabbed Daryls poncho off of her bed and wrapped it round her shoulders and slowly opened the cell door trying hard not to make it creak so she didn't wake up Michonne who was asleep in the bunk above her. When she was out in the cell block she finally realised what woke her, the sound of crying from the watch tower. She quietly climbed the ladder and when she got to the top she found Daryl curled up in a ball and sobbing, he hadn't noticed she was there yet.
She took the poncho off and lay it over him before getting down on the floor and lying down behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and he flinched at first but soon he relaxed in her arms,
"My brother," he said with a shaky voice, "he's dead."


The next day the group packed up, got in their cars and left the prison. The Governor was coming.
They parked the cars in the woods and put explosives throughout the prison. In the courtyard Maggie and Glenn were waiting in riot gear to take the governors men out.
No one was on the look out towers because they knew that's the first place the governor would take out and they were right.
It wasn't long before they drove off, they were scared.

After that the group had to decide what to do next, the governor wasn't dead, his plan was just hindered slightly.
Daryl, Rick and Michonne decided to go back to Woodbury and finish him off.

They returned the next morning with a bus full of the people from Woodbury, the good people.

- Princexiero xx

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