Chapter Twenty-Eight: Alpha

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The shouts were coming from the lookout tower, Rain looked up to Tara and Yumiko, there was something she needed to see.
She quickly climbed the tower and Tara handed her a pair of binoculars, at first she only saw Kelly and Connie walking towards the gates after their long night of searching for Luke and Alden who had gone missing, but then she looked closer. It looked like a heard of walkers but they weren't stumbling or groaning, they were walking quickly like humans.
She watched as Kelly made it inside but Connie didn't have time so instead she slipped into the field of corn growing just outside the walls.
Rain called all the guards over to protect the settlement and Daryl, Kelly and Magna joined her on the tower.
A bald woman stood at the front of the herd and stared up at them.
"I am Alpha." She spoke. "And we only want one thing from you. My daughter."
"Our community is more than capable of defending itself." Rain yelled back,
"I show you my face because we mean you no harm." Alpha replied. "I just want my daughter."
Rain looked at Daryl, not sure what to say.
"You should turn around." He said. "Leave now and no one gets hurt."
"Wrong answer." Alpha replied before holding up her arm, in a matter of seconds, even more of her people emerged from around the corner.
"We ain't sending Lydia back to that." Daryl muttered to everyone on the tower.
"What if she has Alden and Luke?" Tara asked. "Pissing her off could get them killed."
Daryl climbed down from the tower and told everyone to stay where they were, he exited the gate and stood face to face with Alpha.
"You can't have her." He growled before looking behind her at the noise of a baby crying. He scanned the heard before his eyes fell on a woman with an infant cradled in her arms. "You brought a baby out here?"
Alpha raised her arm again and two of her people came out dragging Luke and Alden behind them.
Rain looked around at Kelly, Yumiko and Magna and sighed.
"Shit." She said. "I'll go get her."
She climbed down from the tower and walked over to the prison, she walked down the stairs and stopped at Lydia's cell... It was empty.
When she returned outside, Daryl was walking over angrily.
"She's gone." Rain said.
"The hell you mean she's gone?" Daryl shouted.

Everyone split up and started to look for Henry and Lydia. Rain checked all of the trailers before bumping into Daryl.
"Nothing." She said.
"Help me check the house." He replied.
They entered the mansion and started pulling apart the rooms, Daryl had just tipped over Rain's desk in her office.
"Who was she?" She asked as she looked behind the curtains.
"The woman." She said. "Who is she?"
"Her name's Leah." Daryl grunted as he pulled the bookshelf away from the wall to check behind it, Rain nodded.
"Is she still in your life?"
"Nah." Daryl replied. "She's gone."
The pair left the office and started looking in the bedrooms.
"I don't care that you fell for someone else." Rain shouted through the wall at Daryl who was in the next door bedroom. "It happens." They both moved on to the next bedrooms along. "It's the fact that you didn't tell me." She continued. "You lied to me Daryl." They both stepped out onto the landing. "I would've understood. I've always understood." Daryl sniffed and looked at his feet.
"I'm sorry." He said, tears starting to well in his eyes.
"I know." She replied before opening her arms for a hug, he fell into them.
Suddenly, Dog barked in the distance. Daryl pulled away and Rain quickly wiped his tears with her thumb.
"I've gotta go." He said before leaving.

Rain made her way back to the lookout tower to see everyone banging their fists against the wall and yelling, they were trying to attract the heard of walkers away but Rain wasn't sure why. She climbed the tower and held her binoculars to her face, scanning the ground. Suddenly she stopped, she spotted it, the baby that the woman was carrying before had just been left on the ground and walkers were stumbling towards it.
She kept watching as Connie ran out of the cornfield, catapult in hand. She took out some of the surrounding walkers before picking up the baby and carrying it to the gate.

It wasn't long before Daryl returned with Lydia and brought her to Alpha and Alpha returned Luke and Alden.


That night Rain found Daryl in the hayloft of the barn, she climbed up to see him sat on a chair with his head in his hands.
"Why are you still sleeping up here?" She asked and he shrugged,
"Dog likes it." He replied and Rain laughed,
"There's plenty of rooms in the mansion."
She walked over to him and stood in between his legs, he wrapped his arms around her waist and she bent down to kiss him.
"Henry's missing." She said as she pulled away. "He left a note saying he's looking for Lydia."
Daryl sighed and she stroked his hair.
"I'll go." He said and she smiled weakly.
She watched as he climbed down from the hayloft and picked up his crossbow. Connie approached him and held up a notebook with writing on it and then they both left the gates with Dog following. Rain lay down on the wooden floor and pulled Daryl's thin blanket over her.

- Princexiero xx

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