Chapter Seventeen: Green Balloons

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Half of the Alexandrians were out on a training mission, they were getting ready to take on the massive herd nearby. The other half were stuck at home looking after the children and elderly. Being the only doctor left, Rain had to stay. Since Pete died she did have another person working in the infirmary with her. Her name was Denise, she was young and blonde and wore glasses but she was extremely nervous, that's why Pete never took her in.

"It hams my biscuits is all. And going by cubic feet, the biggest building in the expansion and we're gonna waste it on a church. Take out the benches and that could be a lab, a machine shop, very least a sweet-ass game room. Walled-in real estate is at a premium here. Thumpers just shouldn't get dibs." Eugene finally took a breath,
"Well maybe we share the church," Tara said looking through the medicine cabinet and picking out a bottle, "do all that stuff on different days."
"I'm sorry," Rain said laughing, "hams my biscuit?"
"That's all I heard." Denise said also laughing,
"Tara, what's the aspirin for?" Rain asked,
"I got a little dizzy." She replied. "I still get headaches."
"Denise can have a look at you if you want." Rain replied. "You'd be her first patient."
As Denise tended to Tara, Rain walked over to the window, it was nice now that there was a bit of normality back to life, she could look out and watch people do their normal, mundane tasks.
She watched as one of the older women that Carol was friends with stepped out of her house and pulled a cigarette out of her pocket. She was pretty sure the woman worked in the pantry, she had found Rain a tin of peaches once. The woman held the cigarette with her lips and flicked her lighter, then suddenly she looked behind her and screamed, a man ran up to her and sliced her with a machete, then, when she was on the floor screaming, he continued to cut her up into pieces.
"Everyone get down." Rain shouted and they did with no question. "There's a guy out there," she whispered, "killing people."
"Is he one of ours?" Tara asked,
"I don't think so."
Suddenly there was a massive crash from outside and a horn started blaring.
"What is that?" Denise whispered,
"I don't know." Tara replied,
The door opened and Eric, Aaron and Rosita came in carrying Holly, she had been stabbed in the stomach. They put her onto the operating table. Rain set up the IV and stuck into Holly's arm and Denise started to clean the wound, while they were doing it the horn stopped.
Denise suddenly stepped away,
"What's going on?" Rain asked. "What are you doing?"
"She's bleeding internally." She replied. "Probably severed her femoral artery. She's dying."
"Can it be fixed?" Tara asked,
"Neither of us are surgeons." Rain replied.


The killing had stopped but everyone who had gone on the training mission still hadn't returned. They should have been back ages ago, they should have been in Alexandria fighting.
Eventually Rick returned but he brought a herd of walkers with him, a herd so big it could bring down Alexandria's walls down.

Rain joined Maggie up on one of the look out towers, she was waiting for Glenn to return, Rick told Rain that Daryl wasn't picking up his radio anymore so she thought she should do the same.
"I saw you wiped his name off the wall." Rain said as they both looked over the crowd of walkers outside,
"He's not dead." Maggie replied. "These people think he is because they don't know him, they don't know how strong he is." Rain nodded and smiled, "There's a reason Daryl's name wasn't on there."
They stood in silence for a while, watching Rick getting started on reinforcing the wall. Maggie suddenly spoke,
"I'm pregnant." She said and Rain's jaw dropped,
"Really?" She asked and Maggie nodded, Rain hugged Maggie tightly and while she did she noticed something in the sky.
"Maggie." She said pulling away and pointing to what she had seen, Maggie looked up to see a bunch of green balloons floating into the sky, the same balloons they used for the green checkpoint on the training mission. She covered her mouth in shock and a tear fell from her eye,
"That's the sign." She said. "Glenn's alive."
Suddenly there was a loud creak and the clock tower collapsed into the wall, pulling it down. The walkers started to pour in.
The pair instantly reached for their guns and started to shoot at the walkers below, a small herd were circling the watch tower causing it to wobble and they didn't know how long it would take for them to take it down completely. By now they had both ran out of ammo.
"Shit." Rain said, "Look." She pointed to Rick house, hundreds of walkers were pouring out of it. Maggie noticed her trying to look closely to see if any of the walkers looked like Carl or Rick,
"Here." Maggie handed her a pair of binoculars, Rain held them up to her eyes and scanned the herd, it wasn't long before she found them, Rick, Carl, Jessie and her children were walking with the herd, their bodies and clothes dripping with walker guts.

It was slowly starting to get dark now and Maggie and Rain didn't know how much more the watch tower could take. The pair were hugging each other and crying, they knew they would die soon.
They heard gunshots down below so looked to see Glenn, he was running around shouting and shooting at the walkers, trying to lure them away.
"Glenn!" Maggie yelled, he was playing a dangerous game here, the walkers he was luring away were going for him instead,
"Rain!" A voice called. "Maggie!"
Rain looked over to see Enid climbing onto the tower and then looked back at Glenn, he was now backed up against the wall with a herd of walkers coming for him. He ducked for a second and then all the walkers around him suddenly dropped to the floor, Rain looked behind her to see Abraham and Sasha ontop of the wall with machine guns.
"Can you get the gate?" Abraham shouted to Glenn. "Appreciate it pal."
Rain looked around her before hanging her head, Daryl was meant to be with them but he was nowhere to be seen.
"Daryl." Sasha shouted before waving her hand, Rain looked up again as a truck pulled up next to the watch tower, Sasha and Abraham jumped down onto it before helping Rain and Maggie down.

Rain ran to Daryl and they hugged,
"Where did you get a rocket launcher from?" She asked admiring the huge fire on the lake that was drawing all the walkers in,
"Long story." He grunted.

- Princexiero xx

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