Chapter Twenty-Six: Alis Volat Propriis

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She Flies With Her Own Wings

My name is Rain Carolyn Coburn, I'm 36 years old and I was born in the state of Georgia. It's been 11 years since the dead starting walking and 6 years since Rick Grimes died. He was our leader, he was the person who held everyone together and now he's gone. I'm hoping this diary will end up in museums or history books one day to show people how the world went to nothing in a matter of days and how we had to build it back up again. I guess we'll see if that ever happens. There might not even be a future to read this.
As soon as Rick died, Daryl left. They never found Rick's body and he needed proof. I never stopped him, I was in denial too, but we came up with an agreement that I would visit him every weekend, I would treck up to the forest on the Saturday, stay in his little tent over night and go back on Sunday. Before I would leave he would give me a list of supplies he needed and I would bring them the next week.

Daryl was sat on a log in front of a small fire he had made. Rain could smell the barbecued squirrel as she approached.
"Aw you're cooking dinner already?" She asked in a whiny tone before kissing him. "I brought hotdogs."
"Hotdogs." He repeated in disgust. "I'll stick to squirrel."
"Gross." Rain laughed
"Hey, them hotdogs probably made of squirrel. At least mines fresh."

I lived in Alexandria for the first two years and helped Michonne run the place but one day I decided I couldn't take it anymore. Everyday I would walk past Negan's cell and it made me feel sick, everytime I saw him or heard him I remembered everything he had done to us. My mind would always go back to that night where we were all knelt down and he killed Abraham and Glenn and loved every second of it. I got in contact with the Kingdom and Hilltop again and they agreed a couple of things with me.

Rain and Jesus both came to a stop at the top of the hill and jumped off of their horses. Rain hugged Jerry, Ezekial and Carol.
"I love your hair." She said to Carol. "It really suits you."
"Thanks." She smiled as Jerry and Ezekiel unloaded their cart and handed the supplies over to Jesus, it was mainly medicine and bandages for Hilltop.
"Maggie sends her thanks." Jesus said. "She couldn't make it due to the sickness back at Hilltop."
"Send her our love." Ezekial said.
Rain looked over at Jerry who was hopping up and down on the spot excitedly.
"I can't hold it in any longer dudes." He said,
"Do you need the toilet?" Rain asked him, confused.
"No." He replied. "Nabila's pregnant."
"Oh my god." Rain exclaimed. "Congratulations!"

I had been living at Hilltop for about a year, I remember it was fall because there was a massive storm the night before, when Daryl broke up with me. I still don't know if it actually was a breakup but he told me he didn't want me visiting him anymore and that he had to do this alone.

Rain arrived at Daryl's camp but he wasn't there. Assuming he would be back soon, she took her jacket off and put it down on the soaking wet log before sitting down.
It had been an hour and Daryl was still nowhere to be seen when suddenly a German Shepherd puppy came sprinting towards Rain, panting and wagging it's tail. It jumped up and put its paws on her knees,
"Hi." She said in a high pitched voice as she stroked it. "Who are you."
She soon heard Daryl's voice in the distance.
"Dog!" He yelled before finally coming into view, he just nodded at Rain.
"You forget I was coming?" She asked him cheerfully and he just shrugged. "Who's this?" She asked, looking down at the puppy.
"Dog." He replied,
"His name's Dog?" She laughed. "What kind of name is that?" He shrugged again. "Are you okay?"
"So what's going on?"
"I don't want you to come here anymore." He replied.
"Oh. Okay." She nodded slowly before looking down at her feet.
"I need to do this on my own."

Not long after that, Maggie called me and Jesus into her office. She told us that she was leaving and taking Hershel with her.

"Where are you going?" Rain asked.
"I'm staying with Georgie and the twins." She replied. "I'll write to you guys."
"Why are you telling us?" Jesus asked.
"Because I want you two to take over." She replied. "I want you to lead Hilltop."
"But why us?" Rain asked.
"You're both very able and I trust you both." Maggie replied before looking to Jesus. "You know Hilltop the best." Then she looked to Rain. "And I've known you the longest, I know what you're capable of."

- Princexiero xx

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