Chapter Sixteen: Alexandria

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The gates opened to reveal a town similar to Woodbury, a man named Nicholas greeted them and said they would talk to Deanna. "She knows everything you'd want to know about this place."

Deanna called them into her office one by one to talk to them, it was Rains turn.
"Hello." She said. "I'm Deanna Monroe."
She was an older woman with a stern face and a bob haircut,
"Rain Coburn." Rain replied as she looked around the room, she felt as though she had been transported back to before the walkers came.
"I'm going to film this meeting, I hope you don't mind." Deanna said and Rain agreed, she knew that if she had a camera she'd be documenting everything, maybe one day she'd be in history books.
She looked at the TV on the wall,
"You guys have electricity?"
Deanna nodded.
"Solar panels, this whole place is self sustainable."
Rain told Deanna everything, what life was like before all this, having a daughter, living in a small house on her parents land, being a tattoo artist. She told her how she had medical experience hoping she could train with the surgeon here. She told her how she lost her mum and then found Rick and how Glenn saved the both of them and she told her about everyone who died along the way.
"I'm giving everyone jobs." Deanna said, "I'm trying to get them as close to the jobs you had before as possible." Rain nodded as she continued. "Now we're not exactly in need of a tattoo artist," she chuckled, "but I will definitely talk to Pete about letting you work with him in the infirmary."

Rain walked up the steps to the house and wolf whistled at Rick who was stood on the porch,
"Look at you." She said, admiring the fact that he had a shower, shaved and got his hair cut.
"Maybe you could get a trim too," she turned to Daryl, "I noticed your hair's getting long."
"Nah," he replied, "You don't like it?"
"I like it."


The next morning Rain woke up and walked to the bathroom, she took a hot shower and brushed her teeth. The day before, she met Jessie, the girl who cut Rick's hair and asked her if she could cut hers. She cut the red out making her hair fall at her shoulders and gave her some makeup.
Rain stared into the mirror almost nervous, she hadn't done this for a while. She put her hair up in a messy bun, curled her fringe and tied a red bandana in her hair. Then she put on some winged eyeliner and red lipstick.
She slipped on a pair of jeans, a black and white striped tshirt and a pair of red converse before stepping out of the house.
"You're wearing makeup." Daryl said, he was sat on the railings of the porch,
"Good observation Daryl." Rain replied laughing,
"You look different - " He said,
"I'll take that." She smiled,
" - like a clown." He continued,
Rain walked down the steps and away from the house holding up her middle finger at him the whole time.

She arrived at the infirmary and met Pete the surgeon, he said she would be his assistant for now so he could see how much medical knowledge she had and then he'd consider her becoming a resident doctor.
"You coming to the party tonight?" He asked,
"This is the first I'm hearing about it," Rain replied, "but if I'm invited then I'd love to."
"Everyone's invited," he said, "it's at Deanna's house."

That evening Rain arrived at Deanna's house and Deanna and her husband Reg greeted her,
"It's so good to see you." She said. "I love your skirt."
Rain looked down at her leopard print pencil skirt, smoothed it out and smiled,
"Thank you."
"I wish I had the hips to pull it off." Deanna said and the pair laughed,
"Have a drink." Reg said handing her a glass,
"Alright," she said, "a small one."
Reg poured some whiskey into the glass and Rain downed it, she felt the liquid burn her throat as it went down,
"Another?" Reg smiled at her,
"No, I'm good."
"Don't be." He said as he poured more whiskey into her glass.

It was getting dark and Daryl was walking down the street when he heard someone call his name, he turned around to see Rain stumbling out of Deanna's house,
"Daryl, where are you going?" She slurred holding onto his shoulder for support,
"Home." He replied, "You should be too." he put his arm round her to stop her from falling,
"No." She whined like a child. "I'm not done. Come and have a drink."
"Why not?" She asked,
"I don't want you to see me like that." He replied,
The door of the house next to them opened and Aaron came out,
"Hey Daryl." He said and Daryl stopped and turned to him, Rain swaying side to side mindlessly,
"I was wondering if you wanted to come in and have dinner with us." Aaron said,
"Nah, I have to get her home." He replied and Aaron nodded. "Maybe after."

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