Chapter Fourteen: Those Who Arrive Survive

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Rick, Michonne, Rain and Carl came across a train carriage with spray painted writing on the side:

Sanctuary For All Community For All
Those Who Arrive Survive

Underneath was a map which had an area the other end of the tracks circled in red and labelled Terminus.
"What do you think?" Carl asked,
"Let's go." Rick replied.


They had been following the tracks for about a day,
"I think we've got about a day's worth of water left." Rick said to Rain. "We're lucky it's cooled off a little bit but..."
"Rick." Rain interrupted him, he turned to look at her and she pointed behind them at Michonne and Carl who were trying to balance on the edges of the tracks like tightrope walkers,
"What are you doing?" He asked them seriously,
"Winning a bet." Carl replied not looking up from his feet,
"In your dreams." Michonne said laughing,
"Maybe we can speed this up." Rick said approaching them.

The group soon came to a stop and decided to set up camp in the woods for the night, for dinner they were having barbecued rabbit and canned soup, it was the most they'd all had in a while.
"Do you think we'll see any of the others again?" Carl asked his father,
"I think alot of them survived." He replied, slightly dodging the question,
"Yeah but will we find them?" Carl asked,
"Well, I think are best chance is Terminus." Rick replied. "If anyone else saw the sign then they'd probably go there too."
Rain and Michonne nodded in agreement,
"We had some strong people," Rick continued, "I mean Daryl was made for this stuff and Carol's getting stronger everyday, so are Tyreese and Sasha."
"Thanks dad." Carl said before looking down at his soup and stirring it around with his spoon,
"We have to be realistic," Rick carried on, "Glenn was sick when he left the prison."
"I was sick too," Rain said defensively, "and I made it."

That night they found a car to sleep in, Rick and Michonne decided to take first lookout shift while Rain and Carl slept in the car and then they'd swap over, Carl insisted he got to be on lookout too and they eventually agreed although Rain wasn't sure whether she'd wake him up, he needed the sleep.
Rain suddenly woke to a loud knock on the car window, she opened her eyes and looked beside her to see a man looking in, he was large and balding. She looked next to her to see Carl was awake too and there was another man through his window. She looked infront of her to see four more men all with guns on Rick and Michonne.
One of the men stood behind Rick was saying something and smiling but suddenly his face dropped and looked to just beside the car, Rain looked too and saw Daryl emerging from the shadows with his crossbow in his hands, he walked towards the men and spoke to them but none of them moved.
Rain held onto Carl's hand with one hand and her pistol with the other, she could feel shaking and she couldn't tell if it was from her or him, she guessed both.
"No!" She shouted as one of the men jumped onto Daryl and hit him on the head with their shotgun. The man outside her window laughed, showing his yellowing teeth.
They put Daryl up against the car and started beating him until he fell unconscious on the ground.
"No!" Rain screamed again. "Stop!"
Carl's door opened and the man on his side dragged him out,
"Carl!" She yelled and started to sob.
Next Rains door opened and the balding man grabbed her, he pulled her quickly out the car and onto the floor making her drop her gun on the ground next to Daryl.
The man left her face down on the floor and hovered over her, he then grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled it, jerking her head back.
"Shut up." He whispered sternly in her ear and she did, letting tears flow down her face.
The man reached under her jacket and tshirt and laughed in glee when he realised she wasn't wearing a bra. She started to kick her legs up to try and kick him in the back, he quickly let go of her hair and her breasts and sat down on her legs so she couldn't move them anymore, she screamed in pain and he slapped her across the head,
"I said shut up!"
Suddenly there was a gunshot and Rain looked up to see Rick and one of the men fist fighting, the man appeared to be shot. Rains face suddenly slammed to the floor and she could hear laughter behind her.

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