Chapter Twenty-Two: The King, The Widow and Rick

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"Daryl don't be mad..."
"What is it?"
"I think I'm pregnant."

Daryl sat down on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands. He knew something had been on her mind lately but, when she sat him down to talk just half an hour before they'd be fighting Negan, he didn't think it would be this.
"Daryl say something." Rain said as she sat next to him,
"I'm sorry." He said,
"What?" She asked. "Daryl this isn't your fault."
He stayed quiet for a moment, just thinking and watching his leg bounce up and down.
"You don't know for sure?" He asked and she shook her head,
"I've just been feeling really sick lately and... I don't know, I can just feel it in my gut." She replied and he nodded,
"This is good news right?" He asked,
"Yeah, of course." She replied looking into his eyes. He smiled and hugged her.
"So you're staying at home?" He asked as he pulled away.
"No, I'm fighting." She replied and Daryl laughed as if she had just told him a joke. "Maggie's fighting, it'll be fine."
"You're not Maggie."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing I just-"
Daryl was cut off by a shout in the distance. "We gotta load up." He said before turning around.
"Daryl." She sighed and he turned back and kissed her before leaving.

Rain left the house shortly after to see all the cars lined up at the gate ready to leave, they all had a barrier nailed to one side of them made of corrugated metal.
Once all of the smaller outposts and checkpoints were taken out, everyone met in a field.

"You nervous?" Eric asked Rain, She nodded and held out her hand flat to show him how much she was shaking.
"When I was young I used to sing hymns in the local church and did a bit of theatre at school." She said. "Before, I would always be so nervous, I would feel like I was going to throw up. You know? But then when I was on the stage or at the front of the church doing my thing it felt like I couldn't get it wrong if I tried." Eric nodded. "Doing this feels exactly the same, you feel like you can't do it now but as soon as you're infront of Negan's people, it'll be great."
Eric sighed and smiled at her,
"Thank you." He said before spotting Aaron and walking over to join him.
Jerry approached Rain holding out a piece of bullet proof armour,
"Here." He said. "Over your sternum."
"No." She replied. "I'll be fine."
"Dude." He said sternly. "Sternum."
Rain looked down at her stomach, remembering the potential baby that could be in there before taking the armour.

They pulled up to the Sanctuary and got out of the cars. Rick nodded and Rain raised her gun along with everyone else, then in unison they fired three shots. It wasn't long before Negan appeared.
"Well shit." He said smiling. "I'm sorry, I was in a meeting." He was followed by Simon, Dwight, Eugene and two others that Rain didn't recognise. "Rick! What the hell can I do for ya?"
"You can all live if you surrender." Rick replied from behind one of the cars.
"So they all surrender then you and your little piss patrol doesn't kill 'em?" Negan reiterated. "That sounds like a good deal but what about me Rick?"
"I told you twice." Rick replied. An explosion in the distance told them their plan was working. "I'm gonna kill you." Rick cocked his gun and started shooting as Negan ran inside, everyone joined in, shooting out all the windows that ran up the large concrete building.
"Now!" Maggie shouted and everyone ran back to the cars and drove away, leaving only Rick and Gabriel to finish up.

Morgan, Tara, Jesus, Rain and Dianne arrived at the satellite outpost. Morgan distracted the guards by banging on the fence to attract walkers and, while they checked it out, Dianne shot them down with her bow.
Once they were inside Rain whistled and thirty of the Kingdoms soldiers followed.
They each stood by a door and, on Jesus's signal, opened them. Rain kicked her door opened and instantly sprayed bullets around the room, she could barely see who was inside until she knew they were dead and she lowered her gun. There was two men who were both sat in bed relaxing, one was reading a book and the other was listening to music on an IPod.
She left the room to see four of the Kingdoms soldiers dead on the floor and Saviours flooding out of the door they had just opened. She quickly ducked around the corner to see Dianne and some other soldiers, taking their opportunity to shoot at the Saviours in the hallway every now and then.
"Where's Tara?" She asked before shooting round the corner. Dianne shrugged. "Jesus? Morgan?"
"I don't know." She replied. Suddenly the soldiers behind her shouted something but Rain didn't hear. "Come on, we've got to go!" Dianne shouted but it sounded distant and echoed. Rain nodded and Dianne ran off thinking she was following.
Rain took a step but suddenly fell to the ground, a sharp pain searing through her leg, she looked down to see her cargo trousers were soaked in blood and there was a small rip in them at the side of her leg. Quickly she shuffled backwards, dragging her leg across the floor into the room she had just killed the two men in. She kicked the door shut behind her and then turned around and held up her gun at the two walkers she could hear growling from their beds, she shot them both before pulling herself towards one of the beds. She grabbed the leg of the dead walker and groaned as she pulled it towards the edge of the bed. It slowly slid and flopped off the bed onto her leg, she yelled in pain and quickly pushed it off of her. Then she reached up and grabbed the blood splattered pillow from the bed, she slid the pillow out of its case and tied the pillow case tightly around her gunshot wound, almost instantly the white pillow case turned red. The gunshots outside had stopped now but Rain could hear someone walking down the corridor, she clutched her gun, her heart was beating fast. The footsteps stopped and the door clicked telling her that someone was opening it, she raised her gun and the door swung open, it was Morgan.
Rain lowered her gun and sighed as he ran over to her and lifted her up.

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