Chapter 13

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Credits to whoever did this edit it's so perfect ♡

Lee Felicity

I just finished the lessons and wanted to take a walk on the busy streets of Seoul, my eyes wander around while i take slow steps peacefully.

If i looked up the sky was cloudy, the strong wind would hit my face as i protect my neck with a big red scarf, the leaves on the trees were all withered and placed on the ground, someone in charge had to come pick them up to clear the paths for the pedestrians.

While i was being sentimental, i realized that this would be my last autumn i would ever see.

Life is so unfair.
But it is what it is now.
A person like me deserves to disappear from this world.

October slipped away fastly and it was the start of November, that day was coming again soon.

Now i just need to head home and study for an assignment that's due tomorrow.

Korean is a really difficult language.
I had to learn all of those weird words in a few months when i came here 3 years ago, Felix and i are still learning new words though.

I look on my side and see the cars passing by fastly and there was be a long line of cars for miles because of the traffic.

I am aware of the fact that Felix told me not to walk alone on the streets but watching the nature calms down my mind.

Whenever i look at the nature, someone i know pops up in my mind, well he's just on my mind 24/7.

I haven't seen him for almost two weeks now because I've been too busy with college studies, i wonder what he's doing.

After our first date we went on another date, but we kinda had a fight with each other and didn't talk since then.

-Flashback to the second date-

"I said stop following me. You're being so clingy." He argues and yanks his arm away from my hand.

I part my lips and stare at him offended.
"Yah! I'm not being clingy! This is my way of expressing my love for you. Can't i just touch your arm!?" I retort then reach out for his arm but he takes a few steps back with a weird look on his face.

"You are so annoying. Why have you come into my life? I was perfectly fine without you." He exclaims and i could feel my body heating up because of the anger.

"Are you trying to pick up a fight with me!? How dare you say that! We are destined for each other!" I raise my voice and take steps closer to him as he takes steps backwards.

"You're crazy! Just because i put some bandages on your knees you think we're destined for each other? Keep on dreaming, i would never want to be with a person like you." He explains and rambles with his words.

I look at him with an angry look on my face and tears in my eyes, i was trying not to feel hurt by his words.

"Fine! I don't want to be you either! You're an asshole!" I shout, then turn around to leave him there, but i couldn't contain my anger anymore.

My hands were turned into fists and i angrily turn back around, he widens his eyes when he sees me coming back towards him.

My fist flies on his face and i punch him hard, making him stumble back and fall down, groaning out loudly.

"Fucking scumbag! I hope you rot in hell!" I scream and let all my frustration out, then leave him there lying down, holding his cheek in pain.

-End of the flashback-

Love me like it's your last | Hyunjin Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz