Chapter 14

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Hwang Hyunjin

I shouldn't have come here.
At first i just had 4 drinks because everyone else were getting heavily drunk, even Minho.

If all of us get drunk then how will we get home?

But then i got the feeling of getting wasted, so i drank a lot more than i wanted. I'm slowly starting to feel dizzy and I'm regretting it. It's all Felicity's fault for making me drink so much.

We were walking down the streets of Seoul and it was annoying me the way Felicity was clinging to Han's arm.

Just a few weeks ago she was clinging to me and now she has moved to Han.
How could she do that?

She has ghosted me ever since i told her those things, now i regret telling them.
I tried to think about being in her place, if someone ever told me things like that i would obviously be hurt.

I should be feeling happy now that I'm out of Felicity's radar, i no longer have to worry about her being around and annoy me. But i can't feel happy, i feel disappointed and annoyed.

"Wow, i must be drunk because I'm hearing things." Han laughs histerically.
"You heard right Han. Do you want to date me?" Felicity asks again and I clench my jaw, looking the opposite direction of her.

"Oh my god. This feels like a dream. Hyunjin did you hear?" Han gushes to me and i give him a weird look and don't respond.

"So what do you say?" Felicity says, waiting for Han's answer.

Don't say yes, don't say yes, don't say yes.


I fucking knew it.

I look over them, a pleased smile was formed on Felicity's lips and Han was being all giddy about it, making me roll my eyes. My hands were inside the pockets of my jacket and they were turned into fists out of rage and jealousy.

"I need to tell this to the others!" Han says excitedly and leaves us to go to the hyungs and Felix ahead of us.

I glance at Felicity and she was smiling, what the hell is she so happy about?

I can't stand it anymore.

Without thinking twice i grab her wrist and drag her with me in an empty alley we were passing by. The boys keep walking ahead of us, not knowing we were left behind. I don't know why I'm doing this, i feel drunk.

"What the hell?" She blurts out, seeming shocked by my actions.

"Are you doing that on purpose? To make me jealous?" I ask her through gritted teeth.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She responds with a shrug, a smirk was plastered on her lips.

I push her behind by putting my hands on her shoulders, her back hits the brick wall and she widens her eyes as i place my hands on each side of her head to trap her.

"Cut the act. How can you be so shameless? Just a few weeks ago you had your eyes on me and now you want Han." I explain with a harsh tone.

"Are you jealous?" She asks amused.
She brings her hands to my chest but i grab them and pin them against the wall on each sides of her head, making her raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes, i am. You made me feel jealous Felicity, you've done a good job." I exclaim, i was breathing heavily because of my anger.

I shouldn't have drank, all these things that I'm saying with confident right now will make me regret my actions tomorrow. But that's tomorrow, now i want to say things that i can't when I'm sober.

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