Chapter 18

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FLASHBACK 17 years ago - 2006

A tear slips on Felicity's cheek as she tried to contain them but couldn't, Sofia turned to look at her and the sight made her furious.
"Why are you crying!?" She snaps.
"It hurts." Felicity whimpers.

"This is all your fault. I had told you not to go out and yet you ignored my word. This is what happens when you don't listen to me!" Sofia yells, Felicity was quivering more than before and lowered her gaze on the plaster that was covering her leg from the foot to the knee.

"Why did I have you!? I just wanted a son and you came out of nowhere!"

Tears kept streaming down Felicity's face and she was having difficulty to breathe because of the uncontrollable sobs. She purposely went outside even though she knew she would get scolded, but a part of her thought it was a good idea. She purposely broke her leg because she had thought that her mom would finally get worried and look after her like she does with Felix, but it wasn't like that.

"Why are you crying!?" Sofia yells.
"Because it hurts so much." Felicity cries and wipes away the tears with her tiny hands.
A hand flies across her cheek and soon comes the sharp pain of the slap.

"You're such a nuisance! Why did I have you? I don't want to hear a noise out of your mouth, you hear me?" She shouts.

Felicity places her hands on her mouth to stop the sobs and looks at her mother with teary and pleading eyes.
"Not.a.sound." Sofia said, pointing the index finger at Felicity.

At that moment Felicity understood the look in her mother's eyes. She hated her. The hostility and loathing she saw in her eyes made her heart break into shatters. Her mother couldn't stand her, she wished Felicity was never born. Felicity wanted to disappear from this world, she felt guilty for existing and for being a burden to everyone.

Soon she was left alone in the room and when her mother was gone, she burst out crying again. Hours passed and it was time for dinner, but she was scared to go outside the room and didn't want to anger her mom.
The hostile look in the eyes of her mother kept rolling in the back of her head and she couldn't stop thinking about it.
"She really hates me." She whimpers and curls up in a ball on the floor.

All she was hoping was for Felix to come back from his taekwondo completions, he was the only one nice to her.

After this day, Felicity never looked her mother in the eyes ever again.


Hwang Hyunjin

Ever since I took a break there are only four things I've been doing: eating, sleeping, painting and playing with Kkami.

I might've painted at least 7 paintings last week, I've been eating junk food that may not be good for my health and I've taken Kkami outside on walks. He hates socializing with other dogs and only makes it difficult for me because he doesn't seem to like me either, I wonder if he was a cat in his past life.

I put down the brush and rest my back against the chair to look at the canvas I painted.

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