School Work

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Oneshot synopsis: Donnie (teacher pet) and April (a popular girl) have to work together on a project.

Author's Notes: This is an idea my friend gave me, she told me she'd like to see "Donnie being a teacher's pet and April beating him for it."

Neither Donnie nor April are friends.


April, after being kicked out of her old school for unknown reasons, was convinced by her friend Sunita to go and study at her old school.

Because the brunette did not want to tell the reason for her expulsion from school, she gained a reputation as a "delinquent". Now at a new school full of strange creatures, April has finally become popular.

"We have to go, it's Mr. Misaki's class now, and he got mad the last time I was late." Sunita pleaded with April, who was debating whether to eat her school lunch.

"Come on." She sighed leaving the school cafeteria "Today's food was bad anyway, at least for me."

The two managed to sneak into the classroom, the teacher didn't see it, but his pet did.

"Professor Misaki? I didn't know we could enter the classroom after the bell rang." He said raising his hand.

Donatello Hamato, the teacher's pet, any teacher's pet if that mattered. April hated him, the smirk he gave her whenever she was late, copied someone's homework, or when she was messing with her cell phone. He was taller than her, wore the uniform with a dark purple tie, if April wasn't at school she would hit him.

"What do you mean Mr. Hamato?" Asked the professor turning to the soft-shell.

"Oh, Sunita and Miss O'Neil just walked into the room. After 10 minutes of the bell already had been ringed" He said turning to her.

"You're dead Hamato!" She said gritting her teeth.

"Miss O'Neil." The teacher called "Why weren't you in class?"

"It's just..." April started looking for an excuse "I-I had cramps and Sunita went to get some medicine for me..."

The professor sighed and muttered something along the lines of 'whatever, just go to the nurse's office next time...', April just nodded and Donatello glared at her. April made a face at him and opened the book.

Donatello stared at April for most of the class, she fell asleep. April spent the whole night studying, she was struggling to manage at school, her mother had some difficulty accepting that her daughter would go to a school full of strange creatures. Mrs. O'Neil prayed that her daughter would not be expelled again.

"Mr. Misaki, O'Neil fell asleep in class again, I believe this is against school rules." Said Donnie pointing to April.

"Miss O'Neil." Called the Professor by tapping the book close to April's ear.

The girl got up in fright, she didn't want to sleep in class, but it happened, she looked around and saw Donatello with a wide and evil smile.

Didn't that boy have a life to take care of?

"Continuing..." Misaki said, "The work will be for the next class, next week to be specific. The pairs will be chosen by me. The topic you can choose, but it has to do with the subject of this semester ."

"What work?" April whispered to Sunita.

"Sunita and Mariko." Continued the teacher "And finally Donatello and April."

"What a-?!" The two almost screamed in shock.

As soon as class was over Donatello went to April's desk and forcefully pressed the book against the same table."What do you want?" April asked almost out of patience.The brunette's eyes were glued to his, for some reason the teacher's pet found them charming.

"How are we going to do this?" Donatello asked.

"You can do it and I'll put my name on it later." April said jokingly, she knew it would drive him crazy, and it did.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now