Costume party

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Oneshot Synopsis: April goes to a costume party and invites the boys.


April was sitting on the floor, going through her bag, she had bought some art supplies and graffiti that Mikey and Donnie had asked for. As she looked for a piece of paper that fell to the floor, Leo picked it up and gave her a smug smile.

"Do you have a secret admirer April?" He said looking at the paper, it was a red envelope.

"No. Unfortunately...I found it!" She said picking up the materials and handing them to Mikey, "This is an invitation, one of my schoolmates is having a costume party, and he told me that i can invite some friends."

The four looked, when Leo heard the party his eyes lit up.

"Why don't we all go?" Mikey asked with obvious excitement.

Donnie looked seriously at his younger brother, did he not understand that they were mutants? but it was a costume party, so they could technically go.

"Do you guys really want to go? 'cause like, it's a party full of costumed, horny teenagers drinking themselves to loud music." She said looking serious, taking no for an answer.

"YEA!" Leo and Mikey said Raph would go if the two of them went but Donnie wasn't thrilled with the idea.

"So are we going to the party?" April asked a forced smile on her face.

"Wait..." The four gathered in a small group, April could only hear a few whispers, they turned around, Leo and Mikey with wide smiles answered "Yes! Yes we will!"

"Okay, I'll just let him know we're coming to the party." Said April pulling out the phone "Ah the party is at 19h, I'm going home to get a costume, bye." She said leaving and texting.

When April disappeared, Donnie finally opened his mouth.

"Okay. Why would we go to a party full of humans who if they look close enough can tell we're mutants?" He said through gritted teeth.

"Ah my dear genius idiot brother!" Said Leonardo leaning on his shoulder "So you can be with April, who happens to be your secret crush... not so secret."

"Who told you that?" he asked startled.

"Mikey." Both Raph and Leon said that, pointing to the box turtle.

"Angelo!" Donnie called red, the youngest of the brothers tried to sneak out, but was held back by the older brother.

"Sorry Donnie! But this was too important news to keep to myself." He said tapping his fingers.

"Does anyone else know?" Donnie asked with a tired air.

"No." The three spoke unanimously.

Despite Donnie's protests the four went after costumes, Raph went a werewolf (a classic, and easy to hide his green skin.), Leon extravagant as he was was a vampire (that made sense in his head), Mikey was a witch (and he killed the costume) and Donnie was a mad scientist, the easiest for him, safe option you know.

The group had agreed to meet at April's house, the group waited in front of the door, Donnie was nervous his brothers forced him to stay at the door, while they waited in the turtle tank. He knocked again on the door, no sound. Maybe she had left, or she didn't want to go to the party. Just as Donatello was about to leave the front of the house, the door opened revealing a beautiful view.

April was dressed as Morticia Addams, adorable, her hair down and in its natural shape, until that moment Donnie hadn't noticed how voluminous it was. April snapped her fingers in front of the boy's face to bring him back to the real world.

April x Donnie - oneshots Vol.1Where stories live. Discover now