I Pick My Poison And It's You.....

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Isabella P.O.V

The party kind of sucked after mom walked out, I guess I was annoyed with the way they were pushing her to tell them what she was going to do, my parents lives wasn't a soap opera so they could sit there and pull out the popcorn. So I excused myself from them and went to check on my mom to see if she was okay, when I walked out she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I looked around the square thinking maybe she was there, but nothing, then I heard her laughter. I looked around I couldn't see her anywhere, but then something caught my eye, there was my parents sitting up high on the clock tower sharing French fires. I couldn't help but smile knowing that they were working through this, and from what I could see things seemed pretty well with them that made me happy. Was I happy about the fact that my dad wants to turn human so he can spend out his life with her? In all honestly, no, because I don't believe that this is how there fairytale ride meant to end. Of course I want them to be happy, of course I want them to live a normal life, but with my mom being who she is I don't see that happening.

That the thing I was the only one who was actually worrying about it, I get that Bonnie told my dad that the only way to get my mom back was to give her the cure. The cure didn't exist, it was taken by someone called Katherine, who apparently was a bitchy version of Elena, I guess what am saying... What if wherever Bonnie got her facts from stating this was a trap, what if it was a way to weaken her so she could finally be killed by the ones who were against everything that dimidium sanguine stood for? Maybe I'm letting my imagination run wild here, maybe everything I'm thinking is true, but what I do know is I need my parents to hold this idea about dad becoming human also. I knew I couldn't interrupt there little moment right now, but I'll just call my mom in the morning, its not like they were planning on doing this without running pass Nico and I.

I didn't bother going back into the grill to tell them I was leaving, I just text Elena to say I was tired and going home. Even driving back to Whitmore my mind was ticking away, part of me thinks if I didn't ask Klaus what would he of done to weaken my mom I wouldn't be like this, but in truth the moment I was told I didn't believe this was her end game. I tried to shake all those thoughts away before I got back to campus, I wasn't sure if he would be there, he did say he had some business to deal with while he was in the area. I arrived and I began to search for my keys through my purse as I approached the door, I could hear music coming from my room, not like party music or anything like that, but relaxing sounds of a of cortex playing, I don't recall leaving my stereo on. I opened the door and I came face to face with Klaus, he stood there in a dim-lit room with smile and a red rose in one hand.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be here, I thought you had—" I began to look around the room to see it was filled with dozens of candles, and a small table with a bouquet of Roses with bottle of champagne with two glasses. The floor leading to where my bed was across the room, had scattered rose petal, I just stood there speechless as this was the last thing I thought I would walk into. "Did you do all this?" I asked as I looked at him, I knew that from the tone of my voice I didn't seem thrilled by all this, I just never expected him to so something so sweet and romantic.

"I didn't expect that to be your response." He spoke with disappointment in his voice, I place my purse on the chair and approached him, I felt real bad for coming across ungrateful.

"Am sorry, it's beautiful." I wrapped my arms around his neck, a small smile appeared on his face. "So what's with the special treatment?" His eyes were like two rare gems, each time more beautiful with every glance. His touch is like soothing notes, making me feel like a ballerina in every dance. Being with him is like a princess story, charming, elegant and full of romance.

"No particular reason, just being romantic..." He leans into kiss me, but we were interrupted by my cell ringing, I looked at the screen to see it was mom calling.

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